This is dark

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2 years ago

Listen to Tucker reassure the matriarch that their egalitarian policies are well entrenched, and the misandry will go unchallenged.
‘Becuz it’s black problem, not authoritarian, self anointed, aristocrats.’
Who can name a North Carolina ‘Kingmaker’?
DOT or large public service unions
League of Women Voters
Large church networks, like Springfield Baptist Wake.

Ps Russian CAF/theft, nothing new. Imagine beening Neise Japaneses, WWII! We need those badasses on our side.

2 years ago

“Verily I say unto you, It will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgement, than for that city.” -Matthew 10:15.

Sandra Scott
Sandra Scott
2 years ago

Biden is not my president. He is a resident tyrant who is working to destroy our republic. I want the whole government shut down and start investigating all senators and representatives too. We the people have no justice, peace, and no fraud free voting. WE ALL NEED TO SPEAK UP BUT WE CAN’T BECAUSE OF OUR TYRANT AND THE KGB, FBI AND THE CIA.