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Free speech is protected under the 1st Amendment. Unless the Supreme Court decides to make law and new rights to advance an agenda. What do you think about the transformation of the country?
David DeGerolamo
we pray you die you ignorant *igger. my sister would kick your black ass from one end of the street to the next . you black jack asses will mess with the wrong people eventually and you know what i mean by that, and when it happens say goodbye to this world.
You did exactly what she wanted you to. In a way, we all have, as the Internet has allowed the government to identify and catalog all of us and our political persuasions, degrees of thought leadership, and abilities and levels of communication. If things get, as they say, sporty, she won’t last long if she has conviction in her beliefs, as she will identify herself to us (I agree with you, friend, in principle; I just would have stayed on the high ground and let her rant) rather quickly. But since we won’t be organized well (nor will her group; likely less so), her end will be delivered fairly randomly early on in the troubles by one of our like -- minded brothers or sisters. More likely, she is a coward who, as do most of her kind, slink into hiding and obscure her identity, as she has on her blog.
she has been led by the DOJ , the White Hose , etc.to say things like this because in her heart she is racist along with many of there black churches and the people themselves, 90% of the black race feel the same way this lunatic does because they have been led to think like this by white liberal demon-rat Bolshevik trash as well as black race pimps in all the large cities. as for me being identified that does not bother me one bit. when they come for me i will be waiting and believe me i will be walking out of my home, but the rest wont.i have been very well trained to get out of tough spots, and if any one in my family gets brutally savaged by these animals then i will do what I have to do as one being of Italian heritage and i can say factually it wont go well for them. Please do not take Romans 13 out of context of where you are not allowed to pick up arms and defend yourself and family,it does not say that, it is your responsibility to throw off the yoke of tyranny especially when our nation and our leaders are doing all they can to destroy the churches and Gods laws. it will be each and everyone’s responsibility to do what must be done or our families will be denigrated and destroyed by this evil menace. remember these are satans foot soldiers. Christians are forbidden to pray for satan, his children, his foot soldiers and his demon hordes. these people are already sealed by God to be destroyed and there number is the number of satan 666.
The physical, cultural and political battles will not be won until the spiritual battle is won. I have no business telling non-believers what to do; but for fellow believers, we must get on our knees, then act. II Chronicles 7: 14 now!
Shalom in Yeshua, JK
Kind of looks like it’s headed that way, sir
Ah, the dirges! This! the evil, as the result of the highjacking of western society, by the socialist art of “community organizing”, a socialist community shift-changing, social engineering methodology, its outcomes now seen in real time practice in every major city, and large town in this country.
This is what our academic institutions are embracing, teaching and spewing. This is what the modern new age ecclesiastic dogma has been taught in seminary, and has now been evangelizing and preaching from their pulpits for several generations.Social reprogramming of these western united states en masse by MAN’s Law. Welcome to the new ‘Murika, now without the Torah Law, that covenant Law that was given to us by THE Elohim of Abrahim, Yacob, Isaac, and Yeshua.The only way to reverse this evil, is to Shema! To acknowledge and then beg for forgiveness for our neglect and false worship and then to seek repentance! to our Creator, Father and Maker. To return ourselves, our ecclesia, our townships, our leaders, our country back into the hands of Elohim’s LAW and Shema!
Im guessing she has no problem taking welfare from this imperialist nation
they all like sucking off the system and using there EBT cards for all sorts of party goods, smokes, beer, etc, all on our money. The head sodomite in the house of sodomy is destroying the white race, all on our tax money. Even the ones that come from Africa, Mexico, the Middle East, etc. that come here illegally have learned to gain the system for all sorts of freebies, and the government hands them over a guide to teach them how to do it in there own native language. the end is near and we must all get ready. to coin a passage from the old testament, for me and my house we will serve the Lord , and Joshua did not back down from a fight he was commanded by God to destroy the evil nations around him, and we must do the same eventually or all will be lost including our families.
I am of the opinion that until actions have consequences people will not re-learn decorum and good manners. Perhaps some help by a concerned citizen close to this confused ewe would stop the poor creature’s bleating. -55six
Yep, without consequences, things will not change. This is where we find ourselves -- there is no “American society” left to defend, there is no cohesion in laws, customs, or manners. No commonly accepted history, beliefs, or traditions. We don’t even speak the same language any more -- neither phonetically, nor in lexicon.
Redefine who you expect to be your community, your society, and you can fix that. Simply limit your definition of society to those who *CHOOSE* the same set of beliefs, customs, traditions, and laws as you, and build your tribe -- your society -- with them and them alone. Then, when the conflict comes, you will have a community to fight for, and who will fight with you to maintain that society.
As for the rest -- they have made their choices, of their own free will. What it earns them, is on them. I shall neither support nor protect them, for they are not of my community -- we have no kith, no bond.
I shall limit my consideration of such “others” to that which is obligatory -- prayer and forgiveness. But “forgiveness” does not mean that I shall not deliver them the consequences of their acts. On the contratry, it means that I shall indeed, for no man is obliged to forgive him who remains unpunished…
This is why we have the Death Penalty in the first place. So that proper punishment can be delivered to the gravest offenders of our society by dispatching them promptly to a full and perfect Judgement, thus opening the door to our forgiveness, so that we may forgive with confidence, and move on with our lives. This is why the traditional last words before executing sentence are words of forgiveness -- “May God have mercy on your soul.”
I expect to be saying those words often, in the not too distant future…
55six is right-until people discover that there are consequences for this kind of stupidity-nothing will change.
She/He/it has the right to say what she/he it said-protected by the first amendment-ALL speech is protected-whether it pisses you off or not,whether they are lying racist pieces of shit or not.
You never used to hear this kind of shit-then the Communists/Marxists/leftists took over first the colleges/universities-then our K-12 “public education” system-
This is the product of years and years of leftist indoctrination.