Glenn should not refer to him as a her.
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Nothing new under the sun Ecclesiastes
Satan’s efforts to harm on this earth is nothing new. Check out Job for examples that God and Satan talk to each other.
Isaiah chapter 9 is worth reading as God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Pray for wisdom. Prayer leads to actions.
When the Holy Spirit is involved, prayer can also lead to understanding and acceptance.
Thus said Yahuah, “Let not the wise boast in his wisdom, nor let the mighty boast in his might, nor let the rich boast in his riches, but let him who boast of this, that he knows and understands me, that I am Yahuah, doing kindness, right ruling, and righteousness in the arets. For in these I delight,” declares Yahuah.
A long, thick, yet interesting read posted over at the hedge…. the takeaway graf for me:
“The key is to put your energy into what you want, not what you don’t want.”
If you have the time (I had to stop and digest a couple times, 2 cups of coffee), it is worth your effort. It delves into supernatural energies and such, religion, etc. Be open minded, just because you don’t subscribe to what he’s selling, doesn’t mean others don’t. That takeaway quote however deserves some attention, even if you don’t agree with the article (his premise is that even hating on an entity (WEF) will still push energy in its direction; and good or bad energy is still energy). We should be focusing on what our side needs and needs to do and doing it, not hating on and lamenting our enemy and their successes. Its another viewpoint on that positive vs. negative take -- expend your energy positively, improving yourself, focusing on your side, do not waste any energy on your enemy, hating on them feels good but is wasted energy. We need to build our parallel world, now, not worry about stolen elections and fraud and graft from the past. Forward looking, thinking, acting!
Yes, we need to correct the errors of the past, hang the traitors, and all that, you’ve all heard my short-rope comments. We need to stop with it, its not helping us move forward, rather anchoring us in the past. Look to, think about, and act with our future in mind. You can’t change the past, stop wallowing in it. What do you need to do to move forward from here? Don’t complain about how we should, rather ask how do we hang the traitors? You can learn from the past, it can color your actions -- stop bitching about election fraud from your keyboard, (energy --> the past) and join election councils if you think voting is the answer (energy --> the future). This shift needs to start now, someone in SC already got the message. Action forward, not backwards thinking.
This is what was just going thru my head before I read your comment. I believe. Faith, Hopeful and Joyful Anticipation. No matter what is thrown at us, the Elect will join in the reign. A boy named David talking to an entire army in confusion. What’s wrong with you men?! We have the Living God on our side!…..wha.?! Then he picked up a couple stones and turned to face Goliath.
Derp! Forgot the link!!
I wouldn’t refer to that male doctor as a female, don’t give in or play along with their insanity.
So what is going on at “American Legions?”
Nothing to see here. America we are so great!
She? The blogger is right; can’t use that without lying. Live not by lies.