The Biden gang has no shame, no fear, and no morality. These liberal fascists who hate America are doing all they can to destroy it.
They know they can get away with it because they aren’t worried about the upcoming midterm election whatsoever.
By their actions, they are telling us that they are not concerned with the 2022 midterm elections.
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They have a herd of armed agents with automatic weapons at the house and office of a former president.
Kevin McCarthy -the opposition; ” clear your calendar we are going to have meetings!”
A round of applause for the Democrats. They take the fight to their enemy. They go armed. They imprison dissidents. You gotta give credit where credit is due.
If I’m in a battle, I wanna be in a battle with someone who will fight not schedule meetings. I am laughing so hard at the people who think sweeping in republicans every again is going to save us I can barely type!!!lolololololol
You are spot on!! Republicans by an large are a bunch of wimps. They’re all talk and never really do anything. If they have any hope of keeping our constitutional republic in place, then they need to start playing dirty, just like the libtards.
The response from Kevin McCarthy should’ve been “You sons of bitches need to get your fucking toothbrushes, pajamas and KY jelly packed because if we ever take the presidency and the congress again every one of you is going to fucking jail if not gitmo.
And then if they actually did get some power (agin for the umteenth time) do it.
The only one that would be happy to be in prison with KY jelly would be Lindsey Graham.
Sooo true
A round of applause for the Democrats. They take the fight to their enemy. They go armed. They imprison dissidents. You gotta give credit where credit is due
Yep, you never win by reacting, you win by attacking.
As of this afternoon there has been no comment from RINO never Trump globalist open border gun grabbing Texas Senator John Cornyn. Cornyn is waiting for the traitor RINO Senator Mitch McConnell to tell him what to say. Who is John Galt? TEXIT
“By their actions, they are telling us that they are not concerned with the 2022 midterm elections. ”
Winner winner chicken dinner!!!!!
What will come out if the republicans win? Better yet tell me what they have done other than throw the dog a bone just to keep him happy.
rope and lamp posts!
So after Ruby Ridge and Waco, he still thought the FBI had any credibility? How is protecting a person holding the Office of the President of the United States that is not legally eligible, an honorable thing? Protecting the same President that committed treason in Libya, that is an honorable thing? Your oath required you to arrest him and (since Hillary was mentioned) Hillary for treason.
What we need to do it vote? Really? Me thinks he is another big brother plant doing his part.
There are really only two ways out of what we allowed to happen, revolution or death. Voting will not fix a thing. Anyone that pronounces otherwise is at best a fool and at worst a traitor.
Lets look at the raid on Trumps home. Is is any more than happens to people all over this country on a daily basis? We allow it all the time. Just drive through Virginia and see if they stop you with the sole purpose of look in your car.
I also do not see the attraction to Trump, still pushing the death shot and still silent on his innocent supporters in prison. This should tell you this is all a show and show you who all is playing their part.
“Clear your calendar we are going to have meetings!” — K. McCarthy
Wow. Just WOW! If that isn’t “The Rebuttal Heard ‘Round The World,” then I don’t know what else to say. The Malignant Left’s bowels must have turned to water when hearing Milquetoast McCarthy’s dire warnings. Very, very scary. (sarc/off).
Sadly, Bongino is right re: the lack of concern by the DemoCommunist Party in ’22. Because, nothing has changed since 11.03.19; the Dominion machines are still active, unchanged from their mission.
And it matters not that “everyone will be watching the count.” Recall the GA runoffs: manipulated/stolen with everyone observing.
We are in the End Times of the FUSA.
Tick Tock……..
Sorry Dan Bongino, but the American people are wayyyy past voting to solve the problem. The situation right now is very similar to the way the NAZI power pushed all the other political parties out of government and became tyrannical. Their is one way now to solve this and I just do not believe the country has enough moral and willing citizens to do what the constitution requires. This is a young nation compared to other countries. 246 years, reminds me of the scripture the paul wrote to the Galatians. Verse 7: Ye did run well, who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? That verse of scripture speaks a lot about the United States.
Every Republican should have stood outside the Congress and resigned en masse. Dissolve the government. Force their hand. But, but, the leader is Mitch McConnell.
What a surprise
The thoughts that go through my head as Christian man when I see this woman. God forgive me.
This is the judge who approved the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.
His name is Bruce Reinhart. He was the one who gave Jeffrey Epstein a sweetheart deal — and then went to work for Epstein.
This was a Gonzalo Lira tweet
Is Bruce Reinhart another dual passport (Israel / US) communist secular jew that despises Christians, freedom, liberty, the right of self defense, free markets, and ownership of property? Who is John Galt? TEXIT!