This is terrifying and unnerving

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3 years ago

Tucker is the only thing left leaving Fox hanging in there by skin on their teeth

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

So sad that this is what We have become as a nation that We allow this to happen.

3 years ago

Rittenhouse’s marksmanship and his shot discipline were amazing. He shot until each threat was eliminated, no more -- no less. And with no collateral damage? Bravo, young man.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hezekiah

When the dickwad prosecutor kept badgering Rittenhouse about how he INTENDED to kill his attackers, he should have said, “If I intended to kill them, I’d have fired a LOT more rounds at them.” I cannot believe that his defense didn’t bring that up.

3 years ago


gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

Shortly after this happened, I wrote President Trump about freeing Kyle Rittenhouse and sponsoring him to whatever university he chose. At that time, I suggested one of our fine military academies not realizing they were soon to be collapsed. After 1/6 I repeated this cry for Justice and included a request of pardon for everyone at the Trump Rally in DC. I want everyone who thinks Trump is anything other than an elite operative to know that MANY of the things he could have done by the flick of his wrist, he did not. Kyle Rittenhouse is an American hero of the first order and it is our sin that he has been made to bear this. Isn’t it interesting that Rittenhouse and the Florida 2nd grader are our true role models for this day? The Greta can be placed beside these two children of America and who do you see as the children of God’s leading? I pray for Rittenhouse and his family that everything is restored to them and he is given his due honor (for standing up when grown police officers and public officials wouldn’t. When we did not.) We have failed to protect our good and precious children from the evil. The indictment is ours.

Jo Brown
Jo Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

You are absolutely RIGHT ON!

3 years ago

So sad that a “kid” (not even 18 when this happened) is being treated so unfairly. God Bless us all. I used to think we were the best in the world -- best medical system, best judicial system, best education system -- now I wonder who we’re competing with for last place.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hope

We are competing with NOBODY. We are dead last.

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

From what I have read, he is a minor, but is being tried as an adult. With the outcome turning out the way it is, proving he only acted in self defense, all they can charge him with is a minor with a firearm. So if he’s being tried as an adult, he is not considered a minor, yet they want to charge him with minor with a firearm. He can’t be both! This entire trial is a sham. Never should have been charged in the first place.