This is the End – Vernon Coleman

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tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago

As I watch this video, they are hard at work 24/7 planning our deaths. They know they need to dis-arm us to keep their own deaths to a minimum and keep the wheels turning. Besides the kill shot, they are poisoning us with the water, food and air, while they bring in their illegal army to help finish our demise. We have a solution if we can find the courage to organize and use, it will require violence to accomplish. If we want to survive in my opinion we better get busy, time has run out.

Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson
11 months ago

Curious that there are so few comments on this vid. Where is the outrage? Where is the support? An old man who has literally sacrificed everything to tell the truth and to fight the good fight certainly deserves better. But I forgot. Something very important. Patriots only exist on this side of the Atlantic. It also reemphasizes my point that without an army to join, a handful of individuals trying to reverse the tide -- gets smashed down handily. Punditry aside, thanks to this site for showing this video.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
11 months ago
Reply to  Mark Thompson

I understand how you feel. However, isn’t it more important how many of us reach out to the asleep rather than how many comments get posted? Posting on wonderful site like this is the easy part.
I would rather read one comment on how someone is reaching out rather than 10 comments on this info. That is the true way to support someone like Dr. Coleman.
For example, I’m in the middle of writing a letter to the editor of a local newspaper. I just finished challenging people on ND to investigate geoengineering. Without us reaching a greater number of people we have not chance of turning this around.

Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson
11 months ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

I would have to disagree. Dr. Coleman was foolish for going to the extent he did, sacrificing everything. Noble, heroic, but foolish. Nevertheless, he did it and thus he deserves acknowledgement and praise. So, yes … our time is much better spent doing such than trying to awaken those asleep: an insane and impossible task. If the last four years have shown us anything, it is that a huge chunk of the masses disagrees with us and that another huge chunk is ambivalent, and is not subject to being awakened. Their awakening comes only on the day that there is a certain knock at the door, or when their door is bashed in. Nothing else. There is therefore no mass awakening currently going on and there will be none in the future. Tilting at that particular windmill has achieved us nothing and there is no reason to continue.

kal kal
kal kal
11 months ago

as the evil wears this man down, through non-stop attacks. What a sinister place our world has become. When is it enough? Will it take homelessness and hunger before we start the ruckus, we all know it is inevitable?

11 months ago

So very many people need to be hanged or shot.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
11 months ago
Reply to  Tom

or Morbarked.