And they won’t be moving to Libtard controlled jurisdictions when they hang up their uniforms….
tom finley
4 years ago
They have a plan and it does not include any conservative or anyone who voted for President Trump. I believe what they are saying, just like Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin etc.History is repeating itself, fuuk vice president biden and the camala he rode in on.
4 years ago
Welcome back. Need any help getting settled in?
Dana Henry
4 years ago
I’m following Bracken’s advice in a couple of ways. One, I am preparing to sell home and acreage and move to a Red state. I live in a solid Red county and region but it’s in a blue state. I’m also too close to the Candian border. Just got a bad feeling.
Secondly, any one or more of these guys will be welcomed on the place. One person can’t defend home/property.
Besides, I could use the company.
Come on in and sit by the fire
And they won’t be moving to Libtard controlled jurisdictions when they hang up their uniforms….
They have a plan and it does not include any conservative or anyone who voted for President Trump. I believe what they are saying, just like Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin etc.History is repeating itself, fuuk vice president biden and the camala he rode in on.
Welcome back. Need any help getting settled in?
I’m following Bracken’s advice in a couple of ways. One, I am preparing to sell home and acreage and move to a Red state. I live in a solid Red county and region but it’s in a blue state. I’m also too close to the Candian border. Just got a bad feeling.
Secondly, any one or more of these guys will be welcomed on the place. One person can’t defend home/property.
Besides, I could use the company.
Plenty of room in NC.
To paraphrase a magical negro, “Do you think that makes me less dangerous, or more dangerous?”