In this explosive interview with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman, constitutional lawyer and former military attorney Joanna Martin (also known by her pen name as Publius Huldah) gives a lawful and constitutional roadmap for President Trump to defeat the 2020 election fraud and the effort to destroy America’s constitutional republic. After outlining how Congress, the Supreme Court, and even the executive have failed so far, Martin explains that Trump still has not just a right, but a duty to invoke the Insurrection Act. Article 4 of the Constitution requires the federal government to guarantee to every state a Republican form of government. And the Constitution also provides for the militia to execute the laws of the union and put down insurrections, both of which are required right now. Trump must act now, especially if Congress does not do its duty on January 6.
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OK, Great!
She very knowledgeable AND correct about everything she states.
I’ve read things she has published for years.
I agree 100%
SO what?
Nobody with the power to do ANY of these things is going to do them.
Not Trump, not Pence, Not congress, not the state legislatures.
NO ONE is going to follow the Constitution. I think we have seen ample proof of that.
So what now?
I personally think it is time for the proverbial “line in the sand”.
Somebody or even better a LOT of somebodies needs to establish a date and state publicly, that if this is not resolved by this date then we the people will take action to resolve it by force if necessary.
The problem with that is that it will have to be a large enough group to mean something. To put come fear into them that IF this date were to arrive that this would really happen.
The first organization that comes to mind is Oathkeepers.
I know Rhodes wants a Constitutional solution and this would be as Constitutional as it gets.
We can no longer depend on anyone except ourselves. ALL others have failed us and time is short. If we get to the 20th, or really even the 6th of January, we lose much of the possible support we could not garner, especially in the military. Once xiden is “officially” selected on the 6th, then the military would then start to question just who really is the commander in chief and we need to avoid that if possible.
So the time for this is now since it can’t be sooner.
Donald J Trump has put his trust in a lot of people that have failed. Somehow I feel that unless he promises Pence the Presidential seat in the Oval Office at some near date Pence will join Brutus as the most unreliable ally in history, eclipsing Mitch McConnel.
Keep in mind President Trump is a developer and game show host professionally. He does not know how dangerous the situation will become if Biden/Harris take control of the Alphabet Agencies. His family will soon become targets.
His poor advisors are not listening to General Flynn and keeping Trump hopeful of a legal and peaceful remedy. This is not likely to occur. Simply put Trump needs to strike the match soon. He must order a new election under martial law in the 6 swing states.
He must also ban Dominion Voting Machines or ANY foreign electronics that can be used in the election. The Updated voting lists, mail in ballots and other ways that fraud occurred must be challenged at the State Level first. Once implemented the Votes can be tallied and IF he loses then at least he has plugged the route of corruption in subsequent elections.
If Trump actually has people who will support him then he needs to act RIGHT FUC**ING NOW. Because you can bet your ass the power mongers on the left know exactly what he can and cannot do and are plotting and conspiring to block him….,and if necessary arrest, kidnap or even kill him. He CANNOT wait till January 6. The left will have coopted by whatever methods necessary ALL the people needed to block anything that could happen that day. They are EVIL, not stupid.
Washington DC is perhaps the most evil city in the world. The city reeks of evil.
President Trump finds himself in a untenable situation, primarily because he has surrounded himself with CFR members, communist, Kabbalist and international globalists. President Trump probably thought that because of his business skills that he could work with these evil people, however, he was wrong, and now he has few people in his cabinet that are real America patriots.
President Trump has been the most pro Israel / jewish state president in decades, and it appears that Israel / Kabbalist are actively supporting the China Joe team because they are first and foremost communist at heart.
The question is can President Trump, at this late hour, get rid of the communist in his administration and bring in enough America patriots in order to save the republic? My guess is that even if he could he will not do it because he has a Kabbalist son-in-law and daughter as his most trusted advisors, and Israel and China are the puppet masters of the congress and all of the alphabet federal agencies. I pray that I will be wrong. There is always hope.