Lesson #1: Never, ever, open your door for law enforcement unless they can produce a warrant. Period.
Lesson #2: Always have a recording device handy in case such a threatening event involving law enforcement occurs.
Lesson #3: Harden your home strategically, especially your doorways, so that YOU control how and when an officer can enter.
Lesson #4: Never assume that a law enforcement official is a good guy simply because he wears a uniform. Never assume that he will respect your civil liberties. Unfortunately, not all of them are Oath Keepers, and some of them have never even read the Constitution before.
Brandon Smith, Founder Of Alt-Market.com
Really, “alleged police brutality.”
I certainly don’t look forward to the fast approaching
day that the armed thugs of the ruling dictatorship
switch from “alleged police brutality” and begin
to administer daily doses of actual police brutality.