27,000 lemmings and a pied piper of the human extinction movement.
It is an interesting dynamic they reject the psychopath in a pants suit over this delusional commie retread. I guess even useful dupes need actualization. Question is how many pieces of silver are they willing to pay for their delusions.
“Socialism” is the art of Pavlov’s Dog. In fact the whole circus of “elections” is pavlov politics. I think nobody is getting it.
The arguments and rationalizations for a federal government in any form, or reform, as we have been subject to as people, mind you people, as in provincial and agrarian people living their lives outside of all governments and not connected to its “welfare”, since the Declaration of Independence spelled out the reasons for secession and revolt, are Pavlov’s Dog writ large.
It is a serious disconnect here folks. It is Einstein’s theory of insanity.
It isn’t working.
It hasn’t worked.
Time to burn it all down, salt the earth where it stood.
Something so large, this leviathan, is just that and will always be that, the leviathan, no matter how it is dressed. A cake made of shit frosted to look like what it ain’t is still a cake made of shit.
Tyranny no matter its political flavor is still tyranny, and the actors who lead and run whatever flavor of the state are tyrants and despots, because that is how tyranny stays alive and has power, because consent, tacit, stupid, or otherwise.
The only way out is both the hardest and simplest choice there is. Because there is no voting our way out of this. And until some of us as people get it, and we as people, a determined plurality, find the balls and grit to commit to committing that choice and go through with it, we are going to remain a people with terminal Pavlov’s Dog Syndrome. The only thing that has ever changed anything for the better in this world is people who are determined and have an indomitable spirit to change things. Trump Sanders, the whole lot of them, will never change things for the betterment of ordinary people who desire self determination and the components of their primal Liberty. That kind of change begins with each of us, and through each of us together, that is the stuff that changes the world in great and blessed ways.
Great post! I have a visual of Hillary dressed like Marie Antoinette being told of Bernie the Commie’s latest rally in downtown Blue Bubble Babble Land angrily shouting: “Let them eat shit cake!” Hopefully she will end up with a similar fate.
I had a T-shirt I use to wear in the 70’s to loyalty gatherings…it was also popular in the all Nam Vet American Legion I use to belong to…it had an American flag fist crushing a hammer and sickle and said: Kill a Commie for Mommy!
May have to search the internet for the 2016 version.
8 years ago
Can anyone point the working class folks in this video? I couldn’t find them…
Average Joe
8 years ago
Yup, and is why the founders considered a democracy the worst form of government and bequeathed us a republic, if we could keep it. As we have moved away from republic and towards democracy we and our children are the worse for it.
8 years ago
‘Civics’ hasn’t been taught for over 70yrs. I didn’t have it in High school. And I doubt my parents did. So, why should any American understand the simple fact we are a Republic? Because that IS what is being taught in our schools. Democracy. Which is just another word for an Oligarchy. PST…don’t look now but that is what America has become….
8 years ago
Big Difference Between a Republic & a Democracy -- Barry Soetoro, aka Barrack Hussein Obama, claim’s to be a constitutional scholar. He doesn’t even understand the oath which he is to uphold nor the basic foundations of America. OR DOES HE!
All one has to do is simply recite the pledge of allegiance to know how you are being lied to..
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, indivisible, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all.
“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” -Thomas Jefferson
DEMOCRACY, n. [Gr. People, and to possess, to govern.] Government by the people; a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation.
“A republic is based off an ‘Empire of Laws, and not of men.’” –John Adams
REPUB’LIC, noun [Latin respublica; res and publica; public affairs.]1. A commonwealth; a state in which the exercise of the sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by the people.
There were pockets of true Americanism education even in the 60’s. I had Civics in 7th and 8th grade in Thomas Jefferson Jr. HS in 1962 & 1963 along with American (true) History taught by two male teachers (public school system) in New Jersey. (All was not always lost back in my day in that hot bed of Northeast Leftest lunacy).
I owe part of my rock solid Constitutional foundation from those two wonderful men. I can still see their faces and hear their passion ringing in my ears explaining our noble past and our amazing system. The classes were disciplined and both teachers inspired me to stay on a life long quest to know more about both.
They would not be allowed to teach today as the curriculum has been dumbed down, perverted, twisted, and used by the radical left to brainwash generations since.
The polluted brains of the feeling the Bern movement have been drinking at the headwaters of a the ideological Exxon Spill our educational system has become..many are a lost generation and are just political cannon fodder and useful idiots for naked tyranny.
Obama understands the Oath he took…Dinesh D’souza nailed him and his perverted rage.
27,000 lemmings and a pied piper of the human extinction movement.
It is an interesting dynamic they reject the psychopath in a pants suit over this delusional commie retread. I guess even useful dupes need actualization. Question is how many pieces of silver are they willing to pay for their delusions.
“Socialism” is the art of Pavlov’s Dog. In fact the whole circus of “elections” is pavlov politics. I think nobody is getting it.
The arguments and rationalizations for a federal government in any form, or reform, as we have been subject to as people, mind you people, as in provincial and agrarian people living their lives outside of all governments and not connected to its “welfare”, since the Declaration of Independence spelled out the reasons for secession and revolt, are Pavlov’s Dog writ large.
It is a serious disconnect here folks. It is Einstein’s theory of insanity.
It isn’t working.
It hasn’t worked.
Time to burn it all down, salt the earth where it stood.
Something so large, this leviathan, is just that and will always be that, the leviathan, no matter how it is dressed. A cake made of shit frosted to look like what it ain’t is still a cake made of shit.
Tyranny no matter its political flavor is still tyranny, and the actors who lead and run whatever flavor of the state are tyrants and despots, because that is how tyranny stays alive and has power, because consent, tacit, stupid, or otherwise.
The only way out is both the hardest and simplest choice there is. Because there is no voting our way out of this. And until some of us as people get it, and we as people, a determined plurality, find the balls and grit to commit to committing that choice and go through with it, we are going to remain a people with terminal Pavlov’s Dog Syndrome. The only thing that has ever changed anything for the better in this world is people who are determined and have an indomitable spirit to change things. Trump Sanders, the whole lot of them, will never change things for the betterment of ordinary people who desire self determination and the components of their primal Liberty. That kind of change begins with each of us, and through each of us together, that is the stuff that changes the world in great and blessed ways.
Great post! I have a visual of Hillary dressed like Marie Antoinette being told of Bernie the Commie’s latest rally in downtown Blue Bubble Babble Land angrily shouting: “Let them eat shit cake!” Hopefully she will end up with a similar fate.
I had a T-shirt I use to wear in the 70’s to loyalty gatherings…it was also popular in the all Nam Vet American Legion I use to belong to…it had an American flag fist crushing a hammer and sickle and said: Kill a Commie for Mommy!
May have to search the internet for the 2016 version.
Can anyone point the working class folks in this video? I couldn’t find them…
Yup, and is why the founders considered a democracy the worst form of government and bequeathed us a republic, if we could keep it. As we have moved away from republic and towards democracy we and our children are the worse for it.
‘Civics’ hasn’t been taught for over 70yrs. I didn’t have it in High school. And I doubt my parents did. So, why should any American understand the simple fact we are a Republic? Because that IS what is being taught in our schools. Democracy. Which is just another word for an Oligarchy. PST…don’t look now but that is what America has become….
Big Difference Between a Republic & a Democracy -- Barry Soetoro, aka Barrack Hussein Obama, claim’s to be a constitutional scholar. He doesn’t even understand the oath which he is to uphold nor the basic foundations of America. OR DOES HE!
All one has to do is simply recite the pledge of allegiance to know how you are being lied to..
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, indivisible, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all.
“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” -Thomas Jefferson
DEMOCRACY, n. [Gr. People, and to possess, to govern.] Government by the people; a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation.
“A republic is based off an ‘Empire of Laws, and not of men.’” –John Adams
REPUB’LIC, noun [Latin respublica; res and publica; public affairs.]1. A commonwealth; a state in which the exercise of the sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by the people.
Rich -- Outstanding Posts!
There were pockets of true Americanism education even in the 60’s. I had Civics in 7th and 8th grade in Thomas Jefferson Jr. HS in 1962 & 1963 along with American (true) History taught by two male teachers (public school system) in New Jersey. (All was not always lost back in my day in that hot bed of Northeast Leftest lunacy).
I owe part of my rock solid Constitutional foundation from those two wonderful men. I can still see their faces and hear their passion ringing in my ears explaining our noble past and our amazing system. The classes were disciplined and both teachers inspired me to stay on a life long quest to know more about both.
They would not be allowed to teach today as the curriculum has been dumbed down, perverted, twisted, and used by the radical left to brainwash generations since.
The polluted brains of the feeling the Bern movement have been drinking at the headwaters of a the ideological Exxon Spill our educational system has become..many are a lost generation and are just political cannon fodder and useful idiots for naked tyranny.
Obama understands the Oath he took…Dinesh D’souza nailed him and his perverted rage.
I view Obama as a traitor.