This is what I am doing if the problem on Texas border goes hot.

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1 year ago

Well , we shall see what comes around. As a Texas resident this is like crazy crazy. Hope cooler heads prevail.
If we loose the border, soon the Blue votes will over come majority of America. We will be funneled into a Liberal Constitution hating. Country that will never ever be back again. So , it is on all of us.

1 year ago

The “patriots” are not organized. Read the RevWar history of 19 April 1775 at Lexington Green and Concord Bridge. Without cellphones. Without Internet. Without emails and for all practical purposes little or no snailmail our forefathers organized dozens of militia to assemble on Lexington Green. Thousands to harass and snipe the Lobsterbacks on their retreat over Concord Bridge enroute to Boston.
Face it. 99% of Americans calling themselves “Patriots” could not organize an armed fire team !
If Patriots want to stop the communism, tyranny and treason of the soetoro-obama cabal controlling biden and his administration, it will NOT be through voting, writing emails to your fedgov representatives, non-violent protests or plastering some Internet blog with tough-guy remarks. The ONLY way to return FUSA to some semblance of the Constitutional Republic given us by the Founding Fathers, Is through ORGANIZATION and the ability to put rounds downrange and hemp neckties on the traitors within fedgov, stategov and localgov.
Organize. Organize. Organize.
Verify your Zero.
Make Peace with your loved ones and most of all make Peace with your Lord and God.

1 year ago

If you go to protest wear your Fauci mask and a hat, leave your cell phones at home, and park far away from the protest.

1 year ago

In the nineties Houston had the second largest homo population in the US. About that time I set foot in Austin, unawares beforehand that the stench and filth of hippies permeated the city. Never went back. What a disgusting craphole. Texas was lost a long, long time ago, and its place in the pantheon of conservative stars is a mere myth, an illusion, a falsehood and a pretense. Probably the last state in the southern states I’d ever live in today, excepting Louisiana of course.