This Is Why It Is Called “Chicago Thug Politics”

The Obama administration has often been compared to the Chicago political machine which has used thug tactics to achieve their ends for a century. The 17th amendment was ratified due to consequences in Illinois:

the 1912 Senate investigation of bribery and corruption in the election of Illinois Senator William Lorimer indicated that only a constitutional amendment mandating the direct election of Senators by a state’s citizenry would allay public demands for reform

Ex-Illinois Governor Blagojevich was recently convicted as a result of this system of corruption for attempting to extort money in exchange for a senate seat.

The following video is another example of this system:

The point is that the people of the United States have now accepted corruption in politics as a necessary evil.

We no longer hold our elected representatives to a high moral standard and political party affiliation is more important than the future of our nation. Solutions to national issues are not sought: only the manipulation of the issues for political gain is the goal.

We should not overlook the reference to Mao Zedong in this video or one of Mao’s quotes:

“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun”

When our president placed a Mao Christmas ornament on the White House Christmas tree, we all knew what this symbol represented. We also knew that he was not a Christian: no follower of Christ would celebrate the genocide of 60 million souls.

David DeGerolamo

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