This Is Your Last Chance, by Robert Gore

This is Part One, Part Two will be posted 1/21.

The indictment is long and strong. A cabal of politicians, governments, courts, medical authorities, pharmaceutical companies, multinational agencies, the mainstream media, academics, and foundations, particularly the World Economic Forum, have concocted responses to a virus and its variants that have robbed the people of rightful liberties, are a mechanism for the imposition of global totalitarianism, and have amplified rather than reduced the virus’s dangers, inflicting severe injury and death that will last years, perhaps decades, and afflict millions, if not billions, of victims (See “The Means Are The End,” Robert Gore, SLL, November 13, 2021).

This is their last chance. They can reverse course and pray to whatever demonic deity they pray to that it’s enough to prevent the retribution they deserve, or they can perish in the destruction they’ve created. They will reap what they have sown, their time is up.

This is it, the last gasp of the psychopaths who express their contempt and hatred for humanity by trying to rule it. Compulsion, not voluntary and natural cooperation. Power, pull, and politics, not incentives, competition, honest production, and value-for-value trade. From each according to his virtue to each according to his depravity.

The Last Gasp,” Robert Gore, SLL, March 24, 2020

Their time is up. This assertion may appear as recklessly foolish as Luke Skywalker’s ultimatum—“Jabba, this is your last chance, free us or die!”—did to Jabba the Hut at the Sarlacc Pit. It’s not, but to understand why requires an understanding of slow moving (on human time scale) but enormously powerful forces. Most history studies the wrong things and most predictions are straight line projections of the present and recent past.


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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

“This Is Your Last Chance”
Had to chuckle a bit. Does this mean it is your last change to put your arms around your sister that is scantly dressed?

3 years ago
I do not support the USSA COUP in Their NWO WW III
Are there Any Americans left in the Feral Gov? Patriots in the Military?
PUT Trump back in the WH before this blows up! Cross the damn RUBICON!!!
CW may very well come regardless. Quit equivocating, Earn your stripes, bars, and stars !!!

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

Sir, I do not know if there are any god-fearing, freedom-loving, and brave patriots left in our “feral” government or not, but I do know this: I, you and millions of others will resist the tyranny of the godless, evil globalists to our last dying breaths.
Remember what William Wallace said, played by Mel Gibson in Braveheart, as his last dying word? FREEDOM!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

Viruses come and go. Freedom is forever.

3 years ago

Eloquent essay -- a clear, and painful truth. I will fight till my last breath against demons.