This isn’t weird at all.

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2 years ago

Let’s see now…. unarmed, uniformed, advertising on shirt, white supremist, load ’em up and truck ’em. have a ready informant, peacefully cooperate……….yeah…….feds. Oh….and a new organization???? Neva hoid a da bums.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Just back up to make their point about all us white supremacy people, BS nothing but FBI and informants.

2 years ago

Someone please tell me how the news media is able to place name to picture of anyone they want to identify as right-wing terrorists who did absolutely nothing while keeping the identities and pictures of actual anarchists hidden.
Idaho police identify more than 30 men arrested in U-Haul truck linked to Patriot Front outside LGBTQ event | Fox News

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

So let me get this straight, if they are Nazis in Ukraine they are our allies, but if they are Nazis in the US, they are our enemies?

In all reality though. The government has a history of creating groups like this in Idaho and then using them to promote an agenda. How long until an FBI agent shoots a woman holding a baby?

Just a question for any LEO here. Is it protocol to allow perps to continue to wear their mask after detained?

Just another thought. I could not find one picture of a member with a tattoo. Note I only quickly glanced through a search result.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I live in Kootenai County, not far from the CDA PD Clown Show. Every one of the these “Patriots” bonded out. Follow the money. DHS, CIA, FBI, etc. are laughing their asses off. The local useful idiot police chief and clueless Mormon mayor are basking in the adulation of the sheeple, normies, and cucks. Life is a vale of tears. Bleib ubrig.

2 years ago

Nice clean young men in their FBI supplied shits, trousers and ballcaps. Nothing more than a stage to see here, keep moving along….next scene.

Capn Read too much
Capn Read too much
2 years ago

I still cant believe the Sex Identity Cult Klan Theater was in coeur d’alene.
I’ll say it again….There Good, There Real Good, much better than The Right.
And …They got balls. No pun intended.

Do a search on coeur d’alene, i dare you to find anything but Rightwing , white supremacist, “nazi”, anti govt ….stronghold written about it.
Hell most anything written about the place in the 80’s, 90, early 2000’s anyway, was just that.

As for these dudes that got rolled up. Who Knows, feds, idiots, pats…who knows.
It’s like a chimpanzee crap throwing fest trying to figure out whats what and who’s who.

One thing is for sure….
The Solution is Obvious, at least to me, but best not put in print.

I would bet better than 75% of “Rightwing” Orgs. are FULLY Penetrated, Federallyand by those trying to save there ass from a Prior.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

At this point I do not care about the fed trap, they already know who you are. All the fear and propaganda being fed to us 24/7 has worked, we need a nationwide call to muster.