This Mess is Democracy

America, this is what democracy looks like. This is why it’s such an evil in this world. I used to consider communism the worst of all possible systems and it ranks pretty close, but democracy might be even worse, because if the vote can be rigged, the tiniest of hard-core activists can impose upon the whole of a nation any dang thing it wants.

This is why the founders objected to the concept of democracy out-of-hand. They understood the drawbacks, but clearly saw, as they were drafting the constitution, what it manifested in France and understood the rampant lawlessness of a system decided by majorities rather than relying on individual rights as a bulwark against government intrusion. I’m sure that France influenced their design of the constitution, even though the actual revolution had not yet taken place.

Now, we have given up almost all of those protections, refusing to fight tooth and nail for them, and are left with little or nothing of the lives we should lead. One should wake up hating government, that it’s very existence is a pestilence on the people and to whatever degree it is necessary, it’s like living with snakes to keep the rats from getting out of control.

And, what have we gotten since we allowed these rights to be disregarded for our “safety?” We can be kept from traveling on airplanes if we don’t have a mask or vaccinations of a dangerous and experimental drug for which all of the producers and administers thereof are held legally blameless (or, are they?); they pry into every living area with cameras, listening devices, hoping to catch us saying something subversive about the government; we will be subjected to having every dime of our wealth stolen and replaced by some digital currency that they can turn off and on as we disagree and then agree with every other tyrannical and narcissistic plan they devise.

People are dying from this jab right in front of our faces, on podcasts, during sporting events, while piloting a jumbo-jet, in automobiles, trains and any other form of transportation. Not to mention that people without such high-profile jobs are dying just as quickly and assuredly as anyone else, but at their desk, at home, in a bar and it all looks like some heart-attack from eating beef or something rather than the deadly jab they were coerced into taking because they wanted to keep living the life they worked to build from the time they were teenagers.

I’m stepping out here, so follow me, don’t get in a rush to call me names, just read on. If nothing, I’m a free-thinker, which means open to all possibilities, even the crazy ones.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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2 years ago

Two wolves and a sheep discoursing on the daily menu options. When the wolves turn and lunge, best be well armed with proper tools and skills. Of course the lie they put forth is “everyone gets a voice” but the reality of democracy is always the lie of equality enforced by the brutal whims of a ruling elite. Suckers fall for it every time. Wise men avoid it like they would a drunken whore. That ruling elite wields no muscle greater than the energies of a multitude of the deceived. Hard men bring good times. Good times bring soft men. Soft men bring hard times. Hard times bring hard men. “Blessed be Jahweh my ROCK, who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to battle” Psalms 144:1.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

One thing I’ve noticed is that while soccer players around the world are dropping on the field, here in the U.S., not so much. I believe the billionaires that own the football and baseball teams in America were not going to let their team investments go down the drain. I think their handlers were OK with that since the incredible distraction these sports provide was worth it to them. To my knowledge, NOT ONE BASEBALL OR FOOTBALL PLAYER HAS DROPPED. There is a method to their madness.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

That’s because the players are administered Ivermectin, not the jab. Notice that if a player should contract Covid they’re back playing within a few days.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

Pure speculation on my part, but I don’t believe anyone actually gets Covid. Covid 19 is Certificate of Vaccination ID 2019. That was the plan, get people vaccinated. As far as getting Covid, they “test” positive and have to sit down.
They probably got the shot as a placebo unaware so they can help keep up the hoax unknowingly. Fans were on the edge of their seats worrying that their star player would test positive. It also helped create incredible drama for those not willing to do it for the team.

Annon, a mouse
Annon, a mouse
2 years ago

A mess, that’s all democracy ever has been. A load of useless propaganda addled sheep spewing vitriol and pre-vetted talking points in lieu of intelligent conversation, and these are the voters of the American democracy.

It is the antithesis of what the country was meant to be. Just as Ben Franklin.

Check out Heinlein’s Starship Troopers if you want a description of how voting works in a republic, and no I don’t mean the silly ass movie that has about 5% commonality with the book.

Last edited 2 years ago by Annon, a mouse
2 years ago

J’Obama-SCROTUS-So Called Ruler Of The United States.

2 years ago

democracy is only mob rule