This Penny Is Going To Drop For You. Get Busy.

This word of wisdom from Ned Ryun at American Greatness:

“So if you’re wondering how all of this stops, how we return to normal, I will tell you what a friend  told me: ‘There is no normal. There is only Clausewitz.’ There is only absolute and total political war on this axis we face until we beat them into an unconditional surrender. The Left wants it that way because they think they can win. They want no holds barred total political war. Since we can’t escape it, I say we give it to them measure for measure.”

The left has been waging war on this presidency since 11/9/2016. It doesn’t matter that they’ve been firing blanks for going on 3 years, what matters is that they keep reloading and shooting.   We’re getting to the point where that’s going to have to be answered decisively, and not just with mere ridicule, or a strongly worded rebuke.

As Churchill wryly observed, people who won’t change their minds, and won’t change the subject, are fanatics. They suffer from deranged lunacy. It progresses to violence, inevitably, and already has. Every time they’ve moved to seize power, in every country, for a hundred years and more. And if they oppose your vote in the polling booth with their votes on the street, you’re going to have to vote from the rooftops, and deal with rabid dogs in the time-honored way.

They want the fight that’s coming, because they can’t out-argue it, they couldn’t out-vote it (God Bless You, James Madison et al) and they think they’re entitled to rule. Worse, they think they’re going to win, by divine right, among other reasons, even if their only deity is their bellies, and whatever hive consciousness passes for their minds.

If you’re not buying a case of canned goods at the market and the sporting goods store every paycheck, you’re doing this wrong.  

And don’t forget to spend the time to learn how to use them.
Tools without training are toys.
You don’t need hobbies, you need habits.
Get busy.


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