If you think the msm news coming out of Russia is real, just look at this video where former CIA agent John Stockwell openly states they just make up stuff – numerous reports of atrocities, when there was not a single one that actually happened and that they own enough reporters to ram the lies down everyone’s throats.
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Don’t tell Aeslop. Dude thinks 14 cave dwellers took down America. Russia is the boogeyman and COVID vax works.
I do not believe anything I see or hear; I try and check every source and then only with much skepticism. Only God knows the time of Jesus return, hope your house is in order.
Operation Mockingbird has become the norm for western media, just as TASS and Pravda were for the Soviet Union. There is almost no dissenting opinion at all anymore, and what little there is is soundly ignored by the average person. Willful ignorance will be the doom of the West.
Wow the the tax payer could save a lot of money eradicating these 3 letter agencies within the federal goverment.