This War Has It All

1. Azov is the neo-Nazi battalion in the Ukrainian Army.

2. The reference to Kadyrov’s orcs:

Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Russia’s Chechnya region and an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said on Saturday that Chechen fighters had been deployed to Ukraine and urged Ukrainians to overthrow their government.

In a video posted online, Kadyrov boasted that Chechen units had so far suffered no losses and said Russian forces could easily take large Ukrainian cities, including the capital Kyiv, but that their task was to avoid loss of life.

“As of today, as of this minute, we do not have one single casualty, or wounded, not a single man has even had a runny nose,” Kadyrov said, denying what he said were false reports of casualties from Ukrainian sources.

3. The lard is supposedly pig fat to shoot Chechen Muslim units to make them unclean for Allah.


This war is a microcosm of the world: propaganda, greed, power, Muslims, Nazis, white supremacy, embargos, international banking, energy distribution and Russia, Russia, Russia. Supposedly, we are now at Defcon 2. This information is coming from a report from Glenn Beck and New Zealand but has not been confirmed at an official level in the United States.

I suspect our world will be changed prior to the time that Biden comes out of hiding to give him state of the union address. Or should I say “if” he gives the address. Get ready because everyone is looking at the hand that is misdirecting the world.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

While putting pig fat onto a munition is over a century old, it may no longer be effective due to an understanding of the science involved. A century ago, British troops facing Moslems in India used this ploy as a psychological threat to quell uprisings.
Today it would be less effective since it is not being used against uneducated Moslems. They would know that the heat generated by the discharge of the round and the friction of the projectile caused by the air would burn off and remove any fat on the surface of the projectile.
However, if a special round was made that held fat inside the projectile….. that would be a game changer affecting the hard core jihadist Moslem troops from Chechnya.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

I agree. However, many are the TV and video soldiers who have never had the dreams of physical war fulfilled in their lives. They will have to learn for themselves the silliness of what they thought was a sure defense. Lord, have mercy.

Robert Orians
Robert Orians
2 years ago

We have lost the republic . War will be upon us very soon. Have mercy on your remnant Lord . Strengthen our arms and g8ve us Your blessing ..

2 years ago

Things are not what they seem…

“The question we do not want to ask is: What have these erstwhile communist powers been up to? What have their socialist friends in the West been doing? The facts suggest that everything here is connected. This military move in Ukraine is not an outlier. It is not a misstep. It is a building block for something else. Putin has been on this path from the beginning. This invasion is not a stand-alone-event. And our own government may be led by people who have been closer to Putin than we realize — all the while pointing a finger of misdirection at Donald Trump.”

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

All the leaders past and present of the world are in on the gig. They played us and are playing us like a bad violin and we dance to their tune. If I had to guess the fake COVID scandemic was release to quell the uprisings around the world. Have you heard of the yellow vests lately? Now this invasion or so called invasion is to cover the Freedom Convoys and the release of information about what is really going on. They are just using the I want to be Patrick Swayze and it is 1984 fools. All the while they are cheering Nazis and thinking Russia is their enemy. They fail to look up and see the real enemy. It is the person pulling their strings. Fools all of them that believe this tripe.

Jovenel Moïse, John Magufuli, Hamed Bakayoko, Ambrose Dlamini, and Pierre Nkurunziza all have in common?

2 years ago

We went back to Defcon 3 yesterday

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

Meh. Russia has only sent in 30% of its forces that are on the border with Ukraine.

All civilians should leave Kyiv. They can do so by taking the highway towards Vasilkov, a city located 20km southwest of the capital, this direction is open and safe.

Russia has done everything in its power to avoid civilian casualties and have suffered great loss for this.

The negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in Belarus are not going too well.

It looks like those bets are off.

As the globohomos want to “fight for the NWO”.

Ukraine Member of Parliament: “We Fight for the New World Order”
Note, she won’t be on the front lines, ever. Despite the pose.