This War Is Real

I did not make this image

Evil wants to put chains upon us. And our children. That is how evil controls us.

You may not see them literally, but they are there. Debt, regulations, laws and taxation are the oppressive chains of tyranny.

David DeGerolamo

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John Kummer
John Kummer
9 years ago

God bless you, Dave. You are shining light into darkness, brother. Sadly, we strike out at the “prisoners”, often in self- defense, when the “Warden” is the true enemy. Teshuvah starts on August 17th. 30 days later, Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashanah gives us a new start. 10 days later is Yom Kippur, Day of atonement. These ten days are the “Days of Awe”. Personal house cleaning and repentance are the point of these days. Even we Talmidim of Messiah Yeshua can improve our walk with our Lord. Our discipleship can reach new levels. Cleaned up, equipped believers can do serious damage to the powers and principalities for our families, fellowships and friends. Our other preparations only have real value when we have prepared Spiritually.
Shalom in Yeshua, John K. In Sylva

9 years ago

Thank you for finding and posting this picture.

Call me a nut but I’ve been trying to tell folks that the current global situation, and soon-to-come, door-to-door, battle we will ALL be engaged in is also an ancient one. It is one that began the moment Satan was cast from heaven and is only now coming to its final assault.

Where Christ’s return is imminent, Satan’s fury is become unleashed and his minions, those who are and will bring death and destruction upon us are those who follow the false prophet, mohammad and false god, allah, symbolized by the black meteorite at the ka’aba in Mecca.