This video, or transcription mirrors a post I wrote not long ago called “It Has to Crash” and that’s one of the most popular posts I’ve made. It absolutely must crash, because it is a castle built on sand, destined for the foundation to be washed away, because they’ve been constantly eroding that supporting sand with every violation of the Bill of Rights, Constitution, etc. One might ignore truth, but it does not stop being true for one’s ignorance (notice the root words there, they are important).
I’ve been saying this for a decade, so it’s hard to feel the import of it now, but I have to tell you that since they have become so brazen with stealing elections in broad daylight, they (the communists) have gone a bridge too far. They never do understand that they might get what they want, but it costs something every time they get it. Credibility only means something when people trust. Credibility is not the endless river of trust and obedience leftists/communists think it is, it’s a pond and when it is drained of purpose and reason, the waters sate the thirst no more.
It’s all built on lies: lies of global warming; lies of legitimate elections; lies of fiscal sanity; lies of morality; lies of decency; lies of “need;” lies of immigration; lies of gender; lies of justice. They wrap them all in the flag and try to force-feed that huge ball of deception to the public and the biggest resistance we can show to their lies is to simply refuse to believe them. It’s not that hard. A simple turning away from a nightly broadcast in a pub, airport or other public place with the statement, “bullshit” does a lot more to influence your neighbors and the general public than one might think.
Here’s where I tread lightly. I want to point out all of the things one might do to turn the tide, but I’m no expert, no Svengali, I’m just some guy with some ideas as how to beat back the beast of oppression and tyranny. I don’t issue orders or demand accountability. I suggest, because I respect everyone’s own sense of right and wrong, moral and immoral and believe, largely, that folks are no less tuned-in and cognizant as myself.
It’s so EFFING simple. Laugh at them, they’re clowns.
Good article, the entire article, that is. Yes, America is a great place, yet the vast majority of people have become the idiots, the charlatans and traitors are the Republicans and Democrats. That vast majority are cowards, too afraid to stand up for what is right and true. This white is also ready to fight but those of ready are in a super minority.
Yes, good article we are not a small minority of the people in this country. I think people have gotten so used to just tuning out MSM and the government Federal, state and local because it has been a long line of abuses for decades. We need to keep pushing for what we know will work and that is the 2nd amendment and everything it entails. I do not think this shitshow will last much longer and hopefully they will be running for their very lives, let us keep 1776 out front.
Yes, it has to crash. But, as long as the sheeple, normies, cucks, and flag-wavers believe the Leviathan’s lies and platitudes; it will NOT! Since I gave up hope, I feel a lot better. Bleib ubrig.
You gave up hope in the world is what i suspect. This is not a bad thing.
Exactly my thoughts on giving up on the world and not our G-d . It will almost be entertaining to watch as it all burns down around them . My Tennessee kin are complaining about the electric kept getting shut off every 4 hours in the cold snap . Sounds like they need a couple of transformer tune ups like Carolina had , heh . They take an inch , give ’em back a mile .We got the thermostat up to the 80’s . It will be interesting when they try to shut down my wood stove . The dogs and hogs will eat bigly.
20 years ago I said the same. It’s got to crash and burn to be rebuilt. Today I said the truth is the truth and, is the truth wrong if it’s the truth? I can’t see God giving a false truth.
And yet it is God, Yahuah that ushers in and allows for delusion upon mankind. He has very good reason for this.
i believe it will crash and burn but is not to be done purposely by the hands of mankind. we are told He will intervein Himself to save us from ourselves.
Being a member of a smaller group is not a bad thing nor a wrong thing.
People on “our side” seem to think that the majority is a good thing. “Where we go one we go all?” No!
So why do we continue to see this Biblical contradiction and continue with these thoughts?
Look around. It is crashing. Not a single part of life has been spared.
Reminds me of this quote from Blazing Saddles ” don’t piss down my back and call it rain”
How about another plate of beans Mr. Taggert
I like this version better because he’s talking to a senator.