This will destroy the US over time

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2 years ago

Outstanding commentary by Tucker Carlson! Yes, the insanity of allowing (encouraging) illegal entry into our Nation--by the millions--to ultimately make America unlivable, is an ongoing crime, a treason and a betrayal of the birthright of all legacy Americans.
Today, there is not one major U.S. city that I would be comfortable visiting; we have allowed the uglification of our cities, one after the other, convincing ourselves that this is just “the new normal.”
There is nothing “normal” about what is intentionally being done to us. Remember who is doing this to us.
Only the Nations of the West are being inundated by illegals; no one is illegally entering Chad, El Salvador, Kenya or Mauritania. Whatever the standard of living there, those peoples have only to contend with their lives, to make good or ill of same. But, they are not required to work and be taxed all their lives so as to accommodate the burden of millions of new dependents.
Diversity + Proximity = War.

Last edited 2 years ago by TakeAHardLook
gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

You’ve given some good points. Thank you.