Thom Tillis – North Carolina’s RINO Albatross

I will never forgive or forget how the North Carolina GOP threw Dr. Greg Brannon under the bus in favor of Thom Tillis. Their reasoning to the rank and file: Tillis had a better chance of winning the Senate race. While history proved their logic and Tillis won, North Carolina lost and continues to lose. What the GOP did not tell the people was that Dr. Brannon was the best candidate for the office regardless of the party. Would Dr. Brannon have won the senate race in 2016? I believe he would have based on his quick wit and his devotion to the founding principles of the Constitution.

But we got Tillis who has sold out the party, his constituents, North Carolina and the nation. What a black-hearted devil of a senator.

David DeGerolamo

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Known Associate
Known Associate
1 day ago

MSG for David DG, no other way to reach out:
We (wife and I) are planning to travel south from NH this spring, April, to scout TN and S MO for relocation as we get done with dealing with heavy snow and dark winter for 25-35% of our waking hours.
We are 70 and can still ski top to bottom at Cannon Mt in12 minutes, but there is a time to say it is good.
Will be stopping in RDU to visit my friend and former colleague in the Pharmafia and head West from there. Would be grateful to meet up for coffee along the way and touch base with a brother in Christ and a refugee from “church”.
Reach out if you have time and inclination.

Surf Nazare
Surf Nazare
1 day ago

Tillis is so full of crap I can’t even give a response to his bs--all you have to do is start with who overthrew the govt. back in 2014—-Do the names Nuland/Obama/Biden and 3 letter agencies mean anything—that should tell you all you need to know—-and then they put a second tier comedian in charge as a dictator—

Sgt. Schulz
Sgt. Schulz
1 day ago
Reply to  Surf Nazare

Don’t know Tillis, but did live in Russia for a while. Prior service guy also so got all the Cold War propaganda from back in the day.
I lived there pos collapse, and EVERYONE I talked to plus or minus my age at the times by ten years unanimously agreed that they would never sign off on going back to the Soviet system. Putin was in power then and was looked upon by the man on the street as the right man for the country then.
Fast forward to the interregnum that had Medvedev as President for a short time, nothing changed as far as sentiment that I could see. Putin is again the man with the torch and extremely popular with the normal folks in Russia. He runs the nation largely as the will of the people, regardless of what you have been told. A mandate if you will. That is why he is still there. A large section of the population love what he does for Russia.
Trump is in the same position right now. Public mandate, only difference is term limits which Russia does not have.
The Ukraine war is our baby, top to bottom. Tillis speaks not of what he knows.
Do not fall for the propaganda.
I am an American and very much America first. However, world travel and a good understanding of other countries and cultures perspectives lets me pass this on as my opinion is Putin is looking after his country and peoples interest no different than Trump appears to be for the U.S.

Surf Nazare
Surf Nazare
6 hours ago
Reply to  Sgt. Schulz

very good !! looks like the Sgt. does know something--lol

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
1 day ago

As long as the people are willing to eat their crap the more crap they will feed us! And quite frankly I’m tired of the complaints

Doc B
Doc B
1 day ago

Draft the warmonger, his children, and his grandchildren.

15 hours ago
Reply to  Doc B

Doge him bet his bank account shows how loyal he is to N.C. and the USA

1 day ago

Unfortunately, most elected officials are selected, not elected. It’s because they can be bought. And or blackmailed.
Example: everyone in DC knew that Biden was mentally impaired more than 15 years ago. They also knew he was crooked
Everyone in congress knew that speaker Denny Hastert was a pedophile. He went to jail, after he led the GOP crooked congress into a giant spending spree and caused the crash. How about Paul Ryan? McCarthy.
can we recall Tillis?
you cannot blame the dems for everything. My immigrant grandmother told me 60 years ago, that they are all crooked, both parties, she was an independent, and so am I, they disgust me

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
22 hours ago

What was that quote about “refreshing the tree of liberty”?

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
22 hours ago

Or did we forget about “liberty or death”?

Susan Harms
Susan Harms
16 hours ago

Tom Tillis is thenew Joe Biden — wrong on foreign policy for 40 years