Thom Tillis: Time for North Carolinians to Fix a Big Mistake

Image result for thom tillis jerk

I received an email last week from Thom Tillis last week asking me to sign an electronic card to give to President Trump wishing him a happy birthday. Since Tillis has been a vocal opponent of the President, the real reason for the card is to garner political support for his office and re-election. When he did not receive even “500 signatures”, he sent out another request (below) for 29 more signatures to meet his goal.

To be clear, when this overt political stunt failed to receive even 500 bites, he did not even send the card with the signatures that he did receive. I am sure the Trump is waiting for his belated birthday wish from one of North Carolina’s biggest political disappointments.

David DeGerolamo


Fellow Conservative, Team Tillis was getting ready to send President Trump his birthday card…until we noticed that we still needed another 29 supporters to sign the card before we reached 500 signatures!


We’re extending the deadline for top supporters to sign the President’s birthday card for 24 hours.

This is your absolute and final opportunity to add your name. So, remember to send your well-wishes to President Trump and the First Family before we seal the envelope.

Thanks for showing your support for our President!

Alison [Team Tillis]

Paid for and authorized by the Thom Tillis Committee

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5 years ago

Who in North Carolina will run against Tillis in the Primary Election ?

Would the state Republican Party leadership support such a contested primary ?

IMHO, state party leadership, like Republican leaders at national level, are all risk adverse. They do not want challengers who may upset the “horse” that they have their money on…and are in control over…..