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4 years ago

You really think anybody “ in the know “ ( behind the COVID scam ) are going to put untested drugs in their arms ??? What should happen is to get him ( hold him down ) and put the real crap in there !

4 years ago

These people are all Hollywood-type actors, trying to lure us into their world of fear and trepidation, of which NEITHER are to be believed, whatsoever.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

If we take these people seriously, we get what we deserve.
Become -- set-apart from the ‘world.’ This is where you find peace, this is freedom, this is liberty. He, the Son of God is the only constant in this world of madness, chaos, and confusion.
Love God and Love each other, improve on this daily.

4 years ago

Lies, lies and more lies.

TIME of the Season
TIME of the Season
4 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Now that’s straight to the point….

4 years ago

Take your vaccine and die peasant.

Merry Christ Mass!

Mike O’Steen
Mike O’Steen
4 years ago

Woke up this mornin’ my arm hurt so bad,
Worst vaccination that I ever had.
It wasn’t the meds that I had too much of,
It was a double shot of that Chinese love.

4 years ago

Could have been WATER in the syringe, for all we know. Bottom line….. NO VAX!!!!!!!!

4 years ago

He’s using Ivermectin.

Ed and Carolyn
Ed and Carolyn
4 years ago

He is a liar. He obeys the father of lies who hired him and who pays him and to whom he has sold his very soul. As have “they” all who choose the wide gate and broad way. Their “shots” are only “photo ops”, nothing more. The gate is narrow and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Know THE SHEPHERD, know HIS VOICE, follow HIM. All else leads to destruction and eternal death. There are so many who’ve chosen to slam the door in THE GOOD SHEPHERD’S FACE. Keep praying, GOD’S “KIDS”. As Sir Winston Churchill proclaimed, “Never give up! Never, never, never, never give up.” Our GOD STILL WORKS MIRACLES. Pray on. Choose THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Choose the narrow way. STAND AND FIGHT.

4 years ago

Give him all 70 doses of all the vaccines Big Pharma thinks is necessary for all humans!!