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7 years ago

“… to protect freedom of assembly.”

Notice all the professionally printed signs at this impromptu response to Charlottesville?

Where are the arrests for destruction of public property?

I could go on … but what’s the point … (rhetorical)

7 years ago
Reply to  Hans

have you noticed the face are mostly white liberal pig trash, these whites are deserving of death, they are nothing more then lapdogs for Soros/obumbler/Clinton, doing there dirty work and laughing at them while they do it. I would like to see Soros arrested and all of his assets seized which in turn would make all of these anarchist Marxist groups fade away into the sunset, no money=no protests and free bus services or free air line tickets to other cities. Soros needs to be taken out as well as his son. There are direct links to Soros cash and the groups he is funding and according to U.S. law if you fund anarchist groups that makes him a seditious person and under our law he must be taken in and hanged.