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E grad
E grad
3 years ago

First thought is her brother should be beaten…badly…and shunned for allowing someone to poison his kid. When he recovers give him a long gun and a programmed GPS with the Pfizer CEOs and Faucis address in it. Let the guilt and anger produce the expected result

3 years ago
Reply to  E grad

Go read thru all of her tweets. She’s still in thrall to the false god of the vaccine. She says that she still recommends getting it. This woman is delusional and simply refuses to consider any alternative explanations of how the world works -- even up to and including when children in her family start dying. She needs to be told straight to her face that her ignorance is what killed her nephew.

3 years ago

So sad. And now his parents will learn what they should have learned about the jabs before submitting their child to the experimental jabs.

Worse, Jacob’s parents will blame themselves for trusting the media, the hype, their associates/family/friends who pressured them into this awful decision. They will hate their doctor, all involved and will suffer each day for the rest of their lives over deciding to let their child be experimented upon……….

It didn’t have to be this way, but many are blinded by their own fears snd insecurities, perceived pressure and the lies the media has pushed….

May The Lord find mercy to spare these hapless parents the agony they will bring upon themselves.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

There is plenty of information available on the dangers of the experimental injection, however, most people cannot wrap their minds around the simple fact that the globalist and the corporations that are pushing the injection are in fact pure evil, therefore, they take the jab. The sad fact is the people that take the injection are non-thinking fearful people.

3 years ago

“Survival of the Fittest”? It does seem the ProgreSSives are killing themselves and now their Progeny Off.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

So sad. And now his parents will learn what they should have learned about the jabs before submitting their child to the experimental jabs.

No they won’t. Dumb sheep are still encouraging people to get it. Maybe Gates is right and the herd needs to be culled a bit.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

Will they? Or will they just believe the doctor when he says birth defect? Or some stupid preacher when he says Gods will. Instead of Gods punishment? One can only hope they feel responsible. After all they may have younger kids that can be spared.

3 years ago

Extending my deepest condolences to the entire family who is now dealing with the loss of a 13-year-old child.

3 years ago

Look, no vaccine gets through trials in a year. And yet, we got the “vaccine”. People are dying from it. That is fact. What is also fact is that we are being bribed to take it. Also fact: I see legal ads everyday about suing for this bad drug or that bad drug. The latest is for Parkinsons. But you will NEVER see such an ad for these bullshit vaccines. Because the inept government pushed the drug companies to hastily make one, and gave them legal immunity from lawsuits.

3 years ago
Reply to  Me2

this isn’t because of an “inept government”, the truth is much worse than that.

Otiss D
Otiss D
3 years ago
Reply to  james

WE are the carbon they want to reduce.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Otiss D

^ is the answer.

3 years ago

Two weeks ago last Saturday I had breakfast with a couple that I have breakfast with six days a week. The woman was late 70s early 80s. She had no health issues other than a bent over back problem and mild Alzheimer’s. It was Saturday morning and she was fine. Sunday the next day she died. She had gotten the jab. I don’t have the heart to even discuss it with her husband. Why would I? No one is listening. I can’t even talk about it with my own family members. Oh well….

Red in OleVirginny
Red in OleVirginny
3 years ago

Deepest sympathy for the family.
There will come a day when something breaks. Enraged Liberty minded people will take to the streets nationwide. And then heads will roll. It’s coming.

3 years ago

Americans have become so passive it is easy to lead them like sheep to the slaughter

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
3 years ago
Reply to  kathy

The great International culling… I always feel for the children enduring through circumstances such as this. Children victimized by the ignorance of their parents.

John Toothman
John Toothman
3 years ago

Unfortunately this is a bad decision they’ll have to live with. I wish them no I’ll will but I hope they live a long time. Sorry for the bluntness but a kid is dead for no good reason.

3 years ago

this needs to be said…
people have turned their back on God. hey worship the state and the dollar, in exchange for what is a real birthright. You got what you deserve.

3 years ago

reading the replies on twitter, the thing that stands out is how incredibly stupid people are. Why in the world would anyone have a child get the death jab? What is wrong with these people? the son dies and she would still have children get the shot. I don’t get it.

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
3 years ago

This has me stunned speechless! Proof that many people should not be parents. 😮

3 years ago

Myocarditis…, AFTER millions of people have been poisoned by this “vaccine”….they are admitting that in young people heart inflammation…myocarditis….is a KNOWN RISK. And it’s a SERIOUS risk when it happens. Even if you survive it there is a high order probability that you have suffered permanent heart damage to some degree.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

My son, a successful man in his 50s, lives in Scotland and has taken both jabs so that he can be out in coffee shop and pub. He was on the verge of “severing” his ties with me because I forwarded a scientific piece on the virus and coming Vax. He told others in the family I become ‘dark’ in my outlook. Then my daughter, his sister, was murdered. I found out about a month ago that people who have taken Astra Zeneca have a life expectancy of about two years. I respect his right to his opinions, so long as he respects mine, and I have no quarrel that he has made this choice. But, I know I will probably never see him again and I pray for his soul. After all, he was once that little babe that I marveled at, and I loved him everyday of his life.
Life can be brutish.
My heart goes out to this family because they didn’t deserve to be put into this situation. The little boy didn’t deserve death. The mom and dad didn’t deserve to be betrayed. But they were. They have now awakened to the fact that none of us can trust our government, doctors, schools, or even pastors. They have forfeited any innocence they may have still retained. They are now forever skeptical and cynical and somewhat lost. They are just like us now, remembering good and seeing evil everywhere.
Life in 2021 is cheap.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp
Bear Claw Chris Lapp
3 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

One of my kids of adult age got the vax after all my pleading wait and see. I pray about it daily that there are no complications. I will do the same for you and your family.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp
Bear Claw Chris Lapp
3 years ago

I went to the tweet. She said she would still vax her kid. (he already got vax)
2 others replied they are pro vax.
The young are not dying from covid. If vax was the cause I will hold my tongue as he is in a better place and we are stuck here with people like this.
I am sad for their loss. Our kids are not supposed to die before us. The young are the only ones I have concern for due to all this craziness going on. If I go I have had a good life, I just pray for the same for all of them.

daryl snowden
daryl snowden
3 years ago

I don’t understand, there is practically zero chance of a healthy teenage boy dying or even getting sick from Covid. The question now is how many people are going to allow their healthy children to be murdered by the government. If you try to explain to them what’s going on they just can’t accept it.

3 years ago

It’s just fascinating to me how after sharing their tragic experience, they always have to say ”I’m very pro vaccine”. Your beloved nephew has just died because of this injection and you have to justify your comment and your feelings??

3 years ago

Her Brother is an IDIOT. How someone could do this to their children is beyond my, …..ANY comprehension.

3 years ago

You reap what you sow. You allow your child to be medically experimented on, you should expect things like this. The parents get no sympathy from me. They should be charged with manslaughter at the least. It is a medical experiment and that fact has not been hidden.

3 years ago

Darwin Card by Proxy- killed his own Offspring.
No Sympathy for the Stupid.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

Our technology allows for next level natural selection.

3 years ago

Your picture is “unavailable.” Please know that my heart goes out to your brother and his family. I can think of nothing more painful than burying a child. The more the gov. pushes this vax the more suspicious I get. Now we must fear divergent varieties???? I think all of the aftermath of this “jab” needs to be released nationally. This seems to answer the depopulation goals of many in the new regime.