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3 years ago

Faster and Furiouser.

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
3 years ago

Simple. Obama “switched sides” during his reign of terror, now we are back where he wanted us. Trump failed by not purging every single one of O’s treasonous scumbag appointees and bureaucrats out. We are seeing the fruits of that failure now.

I struggle to even build a minuteman load out, takes months of scrimping and saving to get basic kit pieces, along with building a pantry, paying my bills, keeping my 13 y.o. car running, etc. I will never be able to afford NVG, and these low iq goat and dead people f*ckers get it handed to them on a silver platter.

Winter is almost here, may be time for the Big Igloo.

3 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

I agree. I can’t afford one thing in those pictures. Well, I guess we can actually if save our tax $, bc they just give it away to the “DEATH TO AMERICA” 🐐Rapists

Surf Nazare
Surf Nazare
3 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Actually having a vehicle that doesn’t have all the electronics is a blessing—-they can’t shut it down and that is coming—-the older vehicles will be running. Trust me they already have it planned—if you don’t get in line or have a card you are toast. Make sure you keep them full and get any extra gas NOW—TIME is SHORT !!!!! Get your vehicle serviced NOW if needed—a country boy will/can survive—when the world has gone to hell who do you think will be left—-When defending yourself if you can with a few others set up a triangle defense—-draw a triangle on a piece of paper and maybe the lights will come on—-

3 years ago

Not euros not rubles, not yen, but American dollars…GRRRRRR!!!

3 years ago

What we are witnessing here is the death of our country. The Republic as we knew it is for all intents and purposes, effectively dead! We have lost the respect of all of our allies in western Europe and those in the Pacific, like Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and others. We are no longer the world’s superpower. Joe Biden cut the nuts off of our country. It will be just a matter of time before the US dollar will no longer be the global reserve currency. China will probably take over that role. When that happens we will see an economic collapse in this country that will make 1929 look like a walk in the park. If you think things are bad now, I can guarantee you that things will get worse in the near future. Joe Biden did not do this on his own. He is just a puppet and some people behind the curtain are pulling the strings. Exactly who, I don’t know but you can bet there is a CCP connection to it somewhere. I think CW2 is right around the corner and it will go kinetic very soon.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

My thoughts are too scary for my brain.
I am saying this again: the most loyal Americans of the 82nd Airborne & 101st Airborne have only the guns & ammo they could carry on their backs when they were “dropped” into Kabul. They have withstood continual live fire attacks by day & mortar rounds being fired into the airport every night. Today I heard that the troops are beginning to realize that they probably will be abandoned on the 31st because of the contradictory & deliberate misinformation they are being told by the hour. I am neither a neocon, nor CIA, but I believe on September 11th there will be an orchestrated, bloodbath, slaughter-house style massacre, in the kill-box created within the airport campus I expect on the 11th the Taliban will present a bloody, graphic execution of Americans, Christians, American sympathizers, and our military for the world’s MSM & internet. This will be akin to the beheadings and the Jordanian pilot who was burned alive in a cage. This will be the CCP’s ultimate humiliation and destruction of the now impotent US. Further, I believe, we in the homeland will also be attacked in multiple locations and that the attacks will be severe. I have no reason to know this except that I am very well informed and I am not stupid and I am watching the importation of Taliban men on the rescue planes as well as the flow that has been coming over the southern border for years. Please, dear Lord, prove me wrong.
But I will say this in all heartfelt honesty. All of the demonically possessed who have committed this treason and every other sadistic attack on our country have grossly underestimated the spirit & soul of Americans. We are backed against the wall but that only makes us like steel and our faith stronger, And those dried up old windbags in DC or the bloated pretty boys in the corporations, they have no relation to us out here in the open air. If anyone thinks they can judge our country by our shit, you have made a dire miscalculation.. We are holding. We are holding.

3 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

I’m in agreement with your words. Those that know understand Ephesians 6:12. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
God’s protection be upon those good souls there saving lives and the ones here doing their utmost in aiding and assisting them.

3 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

Gail, you’re kinda like CIA it seems. You’re onto their stank. I agree with you 100%
I pray for America and I pray enough AWARE patriots like yourself speak up loud and clear to more people. 9/ 11 is a worrisome day ahead.

robert orians
robert orians
3 years ago

Bath House Barry is taking care of his bros is he not ? Does anyone think it was incompetence ?

3 years ago
Reply to  robert orians

The Soetoromite-in-chief (as rep. for the Chicago Machine) made promises. Clinton Inc. made promises. Others played their power into payouts, but now have to cover their bets, as well. Messier than you can imagjne, to have all those obligations called at once…

3 years ago

I care more about Ashli Babbit’s murderer Michael Byrd being feted by NBC news than I do about Afghanistan.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago
Reply to  Oldtradesman

My Congressman, Mark Wayne Mullin, was the one who ran up to Byrd immediately after he shot Ashli Babbitt and hugged the shooter. Mullin told Byrd, “You did what you had to do.” I make certain everyone I can tell knows it. He comes up for election soon.

3 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

He knows where he is hidden possibly… Actually, maybe not, but he’d know A LOT for sure about Jan 6th Fake, agitated “insurrection”..

3 years ago
Reply to  Oldtradesman

Me too!
For all we know, that is a ton of cash produced by China, they just recently have veen caught printing tons of counterfeit cash. Which China would easily pass off as real to these idiots. Or just use as a prop!
Either way, we have our own stolen country to get back. They can fight over that sand hole forever, and any idiots who want to go “help their democracy”
THEY DON’T WANT US! No offense to any who was kinda forced to serve their, i still appreciate the courage.
NOW, As for Ashli Babbits murderer (Mike Byrd) my guess is he either got suicided or they have relocated him to underground hide holes or somewhere “safe”. He has the truth that can bury them!!!
How do we find this type of connected guy though? He is a hero to dem

3 years ago

Thoughts? This makes me angry. But, our government gives the enemy millions, if not more, of equipment and weapons and airships. And, what next?? Well, then our government brings the enemy HERE, so they can live among us, while we get ridiculed if we don’t trust them, because that’s waaayyycist! No government by the people and for the people does this shit.
We don’t need any more reason to go to war with these assholes. The only thing that needs to happen is for the right circumstances to happen for people to say, “enough”. Personally, I thought I saw that already. And I bet our Founding Father’s cannot believe that we share the same blood as they. We, the people, are a fucking disgrace.

3 years ago
Reply to  Me2

Me too! I just don’t know if our blood has same things as those brave men. It seems a strong, HELL NO.. We’d been fighting if so. They have tainted and demasculated men in unbelievable strides.
I Feel ike Aaron Lewis,

3 years ago

Viewing this propaganda film again, a deliberate ‘middle finger’ to us all! Those are my thoughts.

One Pissed Marine
One Pissed Marine
3 years ago

Soros, O’traitor and the Bankers have what they want…a well armed Muslim army with the latest US tech. With our borders wide open how long until WE see an airline on US soil go down or bus, train or school? We all know Soros and O’traitor will fly this heavily armed army here or Mexico to hook up with the Cartels and start the war here. Meanwhile the average US civilian has no clue we had a Coup and are at WAR….none! The CCP, Russia and the Dark State must be laughing their asses off…how the mighty US fell in 18 months…and wait until the massive death spikes come from the Jab.What a CLUSTER! I’m not bending a knee for these MF’ers! Molon Labe!

3 years ago

Damn! Looks like the CIA has set up their army again. Lose on purpose after 20 years of profit taking by the MIC and the politicians, leave all those arms and ammo for the ‘enemy’, and bundles of cash to facilitate ops. Until or unless we root out all the traitors, stay away from crowds and cities. And never EVER let them take you guns (Australia).

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

This and this alone are enough to take all the miserable SOB’s out and hang em. From the top Mil leaders of all branches to everyone of the leaders all throughout all three branches of gummint.

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago
Reply to  enn ess

Don’t forget the corporation leaders who own most of them.

3 years ago

Why can’t we bomb them all, destroy our weapons and ignore collateral damage in this case?????