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3 years ago


Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

They would not come here and illegally cross the border in any numbers if they where not able to survive here. The handouts and jobs make it attractive for them. If you want them to stop coming across the border, just stop the ability to live here. They will leave when they cannot eat. Those that choose to stay and be a criminal can be removed.

The whole problem is caused by those in government. Not once has a border governor called up the national guard or done the legal thing and called on the Militia to fulfill it’s duty. Not had a governor demanded that the federal government do it’s duty or leave their state. Not once has the People stood up and stopped it themselves or even demanded it be stopped. Why do you think the 2nd Amendment is there? To make you feel special that you were granted the right to owe a firearm? NO, it is because you have a duty to stop things like these and you need the tools to do such things.

In summary, it is Our fault. All of this. We are to blame. Until enough of Us understand this and want to fulfill our duty. This is all pissing in the wind. The border is just a talking point. The real point is treason is being commited by all this in DC and in your state government. We all know our duty, it is time to get together and fulfill it. And no you and your merry band of 5 guys is not going to do jack crap. Ask Randy Weaver, The Branch Davidian’s and the Bundy’s.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Well we have to start somewhere instead of whining and crying like little girls, we can’t do this we can’t do that will only get you in their internment camp or dead your choice, I have made mine.

3 years ago

Madison Cawthorn, a soldier for Liberty, one more pawn or just another spoke in the wheel? I have my own suspicions, but time will tell.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  sawman

Madison Cawthorn voted for the red flag laws, when confronted he said he deferred and said there was a valid reason to do so.

3 years ago
Reply to  sawman

He is in Congress, so even if he was legit he is still toothless.

3 years ago

We’re being turned into a third world nation by intent. Correct, we allow it. We don’t want to lose our comfort, yet it is exactly these comforts that prevent us from doing what is necessary to course correct.


3 years ago
Reply to  Dana

That is incorrect. Money and comfort has little to do with doing what needs to be done. It is more about leadership. Ukrainians didn’t revolt during the Holodomor, Americans didn’t revolt during the Great Depression.

Things happen when people realize they are losing status, when their culture is under attack, not their wallet. Then they start looking for a leader to tell them to do what everyone knows needs to be done. This is why Trump was so wildly popular, because he seemed like that leader.

There is no economic line that can be crossed which will somehow touch off action. If people care that much about money, becoming poor just means they’ll try to work harder to get by.

3 years ago

It speaks volumes when the leaders of what we thought were third world countries recognize what is happening in this country, but so many here are either in total denial or still believe that they can vote their way out of this mess. The fact is that there are those who still think the government will solve the mess we are in and then there are those who think that the government is the problem. I lean heavily towards the fact that the government is the enemy and any who seek elected office thinking they can change things from within are either delusional, liars, profit seekers or all of the above.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

Another actor trained in the way of the arts. Art of deception, art of the game.
That word Nationalism? Alarm bells tend to go off,
Nationalism is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the state. As a movement, nationalism tends to promote the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation’s sovereignty over its homeland to create a nation state.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Your comment sounds exactly like the commie statements about nationalism, BS.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Does it?
The Truth is in the middle if you can find it.
The problem is in the croni Croni capitalism, croni politics, croni religion, How does one remove the croni in all aspects of ones life

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Don’t forget to compare it to nazis. Gotta compare everything that sounds a bit too different from what Fox News/ Breitbart told you is the truth, to commies and nazis.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

congruent with the state. 
i imagine the people must also be “congruent with the state.
But i tend to suspect the worst with mans governments.

3 years ago

If ONLY we could encourage mainstream Americans to understand these trueisms. Are we so weakened that we would allow the total destruction of our country, a country where thousands upon thousands have sacrificed everything to defend her? I believe Bongino is correct, we will all have to take a side. I know the side I want to represent and it’s not Biden’s, Soros the UN’s. It’s AMERICA’S the America we have known protected and loved until now.