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- GenEarly on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
- Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
- towasi on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
- 173dVietVet on Looks Like a Disaster Movie
- Bad_Brad on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
Abortion is baby murder plain and simple. You murder that child you robbed them of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
If you do not want to get pregnant do not have sex, it is that simple.
Lincoln AND the Republican Part did destroy the Union. Now the south is voting in mass for the party that enslaved them.
As far as Americans taking orders. They do and have for a very long time. Americans do not love liberty, they love for others to work so they can live.
I do not know how to make people understand this. They call chant I love America and yet do not understand the founding principles. They have no love of liberty. They make excuses for why things are they way they are. Present facts to them, they go glassy eyed. I am not talking about young people, I am talking about the 50+.
Then you go to church where the pastors should be praising God about Roe vs Wade overturn and how we should grab the ball and run. Not only with baby murder, but other social issues. Instead they are silent and if questioned, they make excuses. Cowards all of them. Servants of Satan.
Sorry had to vent and you ask for my thoughts. How I wish there was a place where people just wanted to live free. Not talk about it, but live it.
“Americans do not love liberty, they love for others to work so they can live.”
This is why so many disdain capitalism. The crime of working full time and not being able to pay one’s expenses is one reason that it must necessarily extend to the middle class. They should have figured they were next. In a so-called constitutional republic (its precepts), such as America touts itself to be, there would be no way to maintain their purported freedoms in such an encroaching environment. Thereby, the closing of restaurants and businesses seem in accordance, in what they overall, very largely contributed to. If there was to be a service economy as the primary economy in a supposed First World country (which is completely at odds with pushing so many college and university degrees), why was there no law that a living wage be established, or that rents for adequate housing and other living expenses be made affordable? Instead, it’s as you stated.
What happened between 1775 and 1861?
How did thinking deteriorate, and principals get so reversed?