The current tyranny that we are living under in this nation has tenets which no one can consider to be noble. I suppose that makes this on of the worst tyrannies that the world has ever seen.
I do not know how we could have fallen so low. I do not know how we could have separated our lives and country so far from our founding principles and even more importantly, from the Lord God Almighty. I do know that it is our duty and a necessary function of our sacred honor to fight this evil. Whether we win is not as important as fighting against evil when our day of judgment comes.
David DeGerolamo
Drugs,Alcohol,NFL,NBA,One High at a time!
Ezekiel 22:30 -- And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.
We may have arrived… Indeed whether or not we survive is not the issue, where we stand is.
Yep all that matters is that we stand. The earthly winning or losing is up to God.
11/8/2022 is going to be as corrupt as 11/3/2020 was.
We have 16 days to prepare for mass rebellion.
If God Almighty be with us, we win.
If not, tyranny wins.
Sixteen days to see, if a nuke or a dirty bomb really does detonate.
There is no turning back, we have to resolve and coalesce our differences and come together. God almighty can and will help us if we seek his guidance, death is what they have in store for us, it is easy to see, I no longer to want to live in a vile, putrid and Godless nation, I am willing to lay my life down to rid the country of this satanic evil, no mercy, no quarter until the last vestiges of this evil is done with.
I have tired of living in a country that is Godless. There will come a time soon where we will have to choose between death and God. At that time my we make God proud of our stance. Whatever stance that is that He has in store for us.
Well said Tom
“Whether we win is not as important as fighting against evil when our day of judgment comes.”
So true.
“I do not know how we could have fallen so low. I do not know how we could have separated our lives and country so far from our founding principles and even more importantly, from the Lord God Almighty. ”
This seems to summarize the mindset of many Americans, and points out as to why as a nation they largely don’t know how to build culture. If people were united, meaning if the institutions brought them together rather than dividing them, they would know how to problem solve, and more creativity would be generated. This is not to say that some individuals don’t have understanding in this regard, but it’s oftentimes harder for the individual voice to be heard, and then garner the larger support, than it is to collectively organize and implement change. This also may indicate that another overarching national dilemma with potential for internal warfare and invasion from other countries is a looming prospect, because of not having the understanding to shape one’s culture, even post a World War III type of warfare.
By not knowing how the country got to this point, it may indicate that the same if not greater oversights will be left to languish in not establishing and maintaining shared culture, and that even further warring action is imminent.
There is still time to build a community(s). It just takes enough to pick a spot and do it. Then the culture can be maintained and beliefs followed in large enough numbers to survive or make one heck of a stance.
There will probably have to be many areas or well-defined groups established. Not all will be of one political persuasion or the other. Some people are more liberal by personality, some more conservative. It won’t be merely following one set of beliefs. Perhaps you’re talking about a social contract (the commons)?
If there is not some common belief, there will be no group. No group mean you are alone. In bad times loners chances are not good. Let be real, is a family of say 4 or even 8, that has a good homestead going to be able to keep that homestead when those that want it come looking for it? Gangs have been around since the beginning. It will take more than you and yours to survive. This BS of you and 5 others defeating the evil that we face is quite frankly BS thrown out there to make us weak. If we liberty minded people want to survive, we will need to come together for protection. It is that simple.
We will leave out the outside threat thing. Lets say you surviving on your own is a good option. Can you tell me when in your life you have spent say, a year or two without outside help?
Also, in listening to this video with John Mark it yields insights as to why the middle class, largely conservative, didn’t really make efforts to help the lower economic class while they were being destroyed or since then. He seems to view the entire lower class as liberals, and acts accordingly. Is this considered to be freedom of association? He also maintains that only the middle class is capable of governing, claiming only they have the right incentives (the incentives were not clarified, but peripherally discussed). This sounds off kilter.
“Civil War II -- America Unraveling -- John Mark (Myth20C-Ep116)”
We will all stand in front Jesus and will have to answer to all our sins. Letting evil go without standing up and speaking out against it, is a sin. Yes, we will have to answer for it.
Acquaintances ask about the news, and I have no answer as I haven’t watched tv, news podcasts, nor read newspapers in years. I don’t go to the public meetings anymore, nor do I keep up with local politicians. It is not that I am not interested or that I am in denial. I know what is happening and who is doing what. The difference is that I am now focused in the Word and being informed through the Spirit. I pray. I think. I walk and talk to God. And the most amazing part is that I am full of “Hope.” This is not delusional hopium, but is the Hope for the goodness of our Lord and His people when the time is full. In my lifetime, God has never spoken so loudly, so plainly and so often about what is going on. The least I can do is take the time to listen. The Lord is not done. Anyone who believes that all we are facing is going to destroy the Lord’s creation before He has gleaned every soul possible, has bought into the Luciferian storyline without exception. My thoughts? Turn off the worldly noise, turn inside to your heart and roam there. Whatever degree of evil manifests will go over like the heat of the day and then we will have to pick up and start again, or like Noah, we may ride above the waves until we are gently placed on dry ground. Either way, the greatest preparation and most powerful posture, at this point, is in the Spirit. The rest is just work.
Lawyers… the rule “of” law is really the rule BY lawyers… lawyers are SCUM
We must stand. From within a million Alamos…but we must stand. I will.
I stand with you Arch.