
  1. Think about how the definition of public virtue was cancelled from our culture. This one tenet was the foundation of the Republic.
  2. Think about how the Christian religion has been marginalized and the churches bought by a tax exempt status to transfer our faith to the state.
  3. Think about how “Republic” has been replaced by “Democracy”.
  4. Think about how “making America great again” is bad.
  5. Think about how two genders is now considered to be scientifically incorrect.
  6. Think about how breathing contributes to climate change.
  7. Think about how the definition of patriot has been changed to white supremacy.
  8. Think about how the stolen elections have been justified by simply stating that truth has been “debunked”.
  9. Think about how the US covered up the COVID-19 pandemic origins, the “vaccine” and the true cures for SARS-COV2 infections: ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
  10. Think about how many times our illegal government transferred their acts of evil to be the fault of Russia.

The list could go on. The real point I would like to make is that facts override words. Misinformation, disinformation and propaganda are all based in lies. Some lies are lies by omission or half truths. If we use critical thinking skills, words can be evaluated and true intelligence formulated for proper action (or inaction).

We are only weak-minded if we are too apathetic to care. What are the stakes? According to John Kerry:


According to Kamala Harris:

Kamala Harris Said Reducing Population Is The Goal Of The Climate Cult Movement, You Are The Carbon They Want To Reduce – 7/14/23

Imagine if we would think for ourselves: we might just save our families from starvation to reduce the population. Remember:

Or we can continue to believe words based in lies and half truths. The consequences of that path lead to slavery as Liberty is cancelled.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

Mr. D., we are with you 100%. We will never give up… no matter how long the list gets.
Check out and This is Patrick Wood’s team and they are great. I have enrolled in their activist training for $20 per month and the content IS really helpful, even though I have been an activist for 40 years.

Craig H. Cosgray
Craig H. Cosgray
1 year ago

This was excellent, as always. I humbly pass this on:
CO2 is .04% of the atmosphere.
CO2 is 1 in 5.7 million molecules.
Out of 85,000 molecules 33 are CO2 -- 32 are produced by nature.
Thus 1 molecule is produced by man.
There are approximately 40 spewing volcanoes, ejecting more “stuff” into the atmosphere than puny man has since the advent of mankind.
70% to 80% of so-called “Green House gas” is water vapor -- clouds.
To simplify: Trees and plants drink CO2 and exhale oxygen.
Seems the zero carbon they are striving for is… We the people.
We clearly face homicidal psychopaths, and it is up to us to stop them.

1 year ago

Sir, this question has been on my mind lately as it relates to this climate stuff. … Remember when we ” had to fix that ozone hole” and we gave up spray cans and what not… I’m thinking you may know… did this even help that? And does that Ozone hole still exist today and does it play into their self induced climate change? Thanks for the answer is you know…

Otis D
Otis D
1 year ago

its revolt and ingratitude against God.

worshipping the Creation, rather than the Creator.

Joanna Martin
1 year ago

Here’s an illustration of Dick’s point: The Convention provided for by Article V, US Constitution, is a federal Convention, called by the federal gov’t for the federal purpose of addressing our federal Constitution. After 2/3 of the State Legislatures have applied to Congress for Congress to call the Convention; the States have nothing more to do with the Convention -- it is NOT a State function.

So those pushing for an Article V Convention renamed the Convention provided for by Article V as a “convention of States”; and redefined it as a Convention controlled by State Legislatures. Many Americans have been deceived by this renaming & redefinition. And they mindlessly repeat the term, “Article V Convention of States”; and indoctrinate themselves and those who hear them (and who are too lazy to read the text of Article V and think for themselves) with the monstrous lie that a Convention is safe because the State Legislatures will control it. I’ve heard State Legislators insist that the Convention is safe because they will control it -- after all, it’s a “convention of states”!
Are we too stupid & lazy & gullible to be free?

1 year ago

I wrote a short substack article on propaganda.

1 year ago
Reply to  David

Just read your substack. Super points. Sharing. Thx!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane


Joanna Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  David

Yes, it is excellent, David! And the “COS” organization employs all 5 techniques. I printed your article out.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

FJB has come up with the idea to block sunlight, with a giant umbrella I guess. CO2 is a building block of Mother Nature. Yes, we are on the target list, and we are paying for it.

1 year ago

These sob’s are Clinicly Insane.
The purposeful Suicide of the U.S. is getting ….”quite irritating.”
Period. Full Stop.

1 year ago

“The Promise to Noah, EXPIRED” -- Edward Umling

1 year ago

Everything listed is a reaction to what the government is doing to the people, but effectively nothing as to how the people got to a point of letting them do it to them. The government knows Americans will not enforce authentic education of its populace, which is in large part where words are taught and learned (per the mention in the opening post). If people care to, then overturn the educational system. Words deemed as confrontational or anti-authoritarian are not allowed in most churches (those individuals who challenge the static qualities of its effectiveness are politely asked to leave and not return). This goes for the workplace and social venues as well. Can anyone name with any specificity how the military, government, economy, education, civics, and other key aspects of running a country are controlled and directed by the pubic? The fact is they are governed by external means. People need to get to that realization first if they want to reverse this manifestation. This brings up the point that there’s no possible way that America is either a Constitutional Republic or a democracy.

1 year ago

If you begin with the premise that our government leaders, the bureaucracy, the media, the corporatists and the university maggot professors never tell the truth at all then you won’t be deceived by them or anyone ranting mentally ill liberal hysteria on a daily basis, then you will be in line with believing Gods Holy word about the days in which we live. Once you step away or get sidetracked then you leave yourself open to their lies with the possibility of becoming deceived by these demon possessed wicked hordes of satans army of fools. Always be ready to give an account of the gospel to who is willing to hear it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
Ben Dover
Ben Dover
1 year ago

Is there a soul on this planet more full of shit than John Kerry?

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben Dover

Yes there is, Obama and Obiden

1 year ago

Reducing that carbon footprint means extinguishing your fellow global citizens as you say Mr. Kerry. No Good. Try again and try harder

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 year ago
Reply to  Aime

He gets to go first

1 year ago

The “C Street Group”, also called the “Fellowship” and the “Family”, has used this technique of what I call brainwashing, for many years now. Most of this group has ties to the Republican faction of the Uniparty although Joe Biden was always the money mover.