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Exactly. I read that hundreds of thousands of trucker patriots may be heading to the border this coming week. They can’t arrest everyone. I’ll support them in any way I can. Why did it take this long? Good people are patient, but…..
Janice, the phrase they cannot arrest everyone is a bit bogus.
Maybe not today but as plenty of Jan 6th folks found out months later, they COULD be arrested.
Also, Trudeau sought advice from the US Government about the Truckers strike.
So, I expect the same Bank Freezing-credit card canceling actions and perhaps even demands that the truckers involved get fired for felony insurrection or such BS.
There is a saying “He who has the gold, makes the rules”. That was when gold coin was legal money.
So, it can be said that the US Government controls the banking system via the Federal Reserve and can shut off your ability to buy food, fuel, electricity and even get your employer to fire you or be an accomplice to the crime of Insurrection.
Once you start the party, you should forget about returning to a normal life.
Just reality.
“Once you start the party, you should forget about returning to a normal life.” That is a true statement, which the founders understood completely. But they did not shrink back. It was “liberty or death” for them. And, once again, that is now the choice that is before the American people.
Yep, and a lot of them paid the full price in British Prision Hulks rotting away. Loss of wealth and family. Dying seems less painful IMHO.
Just want folks to realize it’s NOT Call of Duty where you can hit reset and start over.
That’s why I harp on what I saw in Bosnia during their Ethnic Cleansing-Civil War.
It’s been since the Civil War
began April 12, 1861
ended May 9, 1865
Since we saw a US General Sherman rampage through the South stealing, destroying, burning down home and farms to destroy the will of the Southern People. I’d add other war crimes, but true Southerners know all about them.
Unless the Feds do a Jan 6th redux to stifle the Let’s go to Texas hotheads (More Political Prisoners, just like Stalinist USSR) we will again see the rampage of total war in America.
War IS HELL. I’m sorry as a retired combat medic I cannot endorse it. I’ve treated the beaten, raped and otherwise lives destroyed by Civil War.
I’ll defend me and mine.
Yep. I’m the same way… however…
Just as in that Gibson movie “The Patriot”, “defending me and mine” can quickly turn into support of war.
In combat, you need “god on your side”, the power of “faith”. Put more clearly, you need *certainty*, the complete absence of doubt. This is the distinction between offence and defense. Offence must vanquish, defense need only survive. Offence has a choice, can back out, and therefore has doubt. Defense has no choice, and is therefore completely in committed action. No hesitation.
If you’re going to be in combat. Manufacture certainty. Not hard to do when you realize they’re committed to killing you eventually anyway.
As Solzhenitzn points out, the time to fight is while you still can. Don’t end up in a gulag, or a prison. Do not submit to tyranny, and in the apparent abscence of “rule of law’ here now: do not submit to arrest.
I hear ya, and understand that, BUT…….
As long as we play that game, we’ll never change anything.
The difference has to be going all in, going ALL THE WAY. No gathering to hold signs, chant, yell, while idiots make it a celebration selling t-shirts and coffee and crap; it’s time to fight, to take out the trash and not yell back and forth, not pushy-pushy back and forth. If people band together to go there, then stand, refuse to move, and when the govt comes with their kool-aid drinking, just doing my job idiots, they get beat back. No more compliance with this wickedness. Either go all in and fight for life and be prepared to take it, or stay home and watch.
As long as we keep being peaceful and following the rules that they don’t we will be peaceful all the way to the cattle cars and guillotine; peaceful as they take and do what they want. You can’t play nicely in a rigged game when you’re certain to lose but have no choice but to play. They are forcing us, we don’t want this but it has been thrust upon us.
Stand your ground, you are 100% correct in my opinion, how much further until we are pushed off the cliff.
Well just when is the right time to stand and fight? Another fed trap, nobody wants to be first, it will never be the right time for such a life changing event. Just 3% started with the first revolution, TINVOWOOT.
Your right Tom. Somebody needs to get off the keyboard and get busy.
Don’t fight when the bad guys want you to fight. Abbot is WEF. Never go head to head against an Army. First, there was the set up at Charlottesville. Then the Jan. 6 set up. Now this. Biden can federalize the NG any time he wants to. This whole thing smells. And 25 other states are going to back up Texas on this? Who coordinated that? Red flag right there. Shelby Park at Eagle Pass is a tiny dot on the Mexican border. The other 1254 miles of Texas/Mexico border is wide open. Red flag. Look before you leap.
Showtime. Grab some popcorn.
Abbot stated the states constitutional right, at some point we need to throw caution aside and act, there will never be a right time for such action. What he started I believe should continue, the invaders already have a sizeable army in league with the fed.
Those 25 States just happen to have conservative governors. I don’t see any “Grand Conspiracy” on that one, myself. I do not trust Abbot.
Holcumb of Indiana, is no conservative’s in my view. He is referred to by conservatives as the lock down king amongst many other things during covid.
Starting to question all his trips abroad also. Kinda goes against my Galt instincts.
Holcomb has made 18 international trips as governor, visiting more than 20 nations.
It could be worse, does Mike Pence ring a bell? I should have said, so some people could understand, no democrat governors are on the list.
Brand new name here posting a professionally designed web site to the Alamo.
Remember January 6th, 2021? This one will be much bloodier than that.
I expect the Biden Admin will resort to wholesale violence and murder when this event on February 3rd, 2024 arrives.
The point of my posting the photo of the Freedom Convoy poster is that it’s disingenuous. Organizers have said in interviews that there will be no events or actions at the border. And the closest they’ll be to Eagle Pass is a “25 minute drive,” rallying at a private property location.
Buffalo Jump 2.0
Anyone stupid enough to go to any Web Announced Rally Point deserves whatever happens to them.
At least the Jan 6th folks Reasonably THOUGHT they had the RIGHT to Peaceably Assemble to present their grievances to the Government, per the 1st Amendment.
They THOUGHT WRONG. Our Constitution is being used by the Supreme Court and US Government as toilet paper.
These people are willingly going into an armed situation against the US Government AND walking into the battleground of the US Government’s choice.
Sun Tzu would give that a two Face Palm award.
Those who choose to attend the ‘Take Our Border Back’ Convoy aren’t going to Eagle Pass or protest anywhere near the border, let alone an “armed situation.”
Yeah, and the Jan 6th folks were not planning on being attacked by DC Police and egged on my FBI Traitors either.
Hogwash smells pretty deep here.
There are 28 border opening states in Texas if I remember correctly from Abbott’s letter. Why is there no info on the other Texas border openings? Look here. Don’t look there.
If the Feds show up, you can bet knowing who they are and the crimes they commit they will utilize their standard hit teams and dress up as Texas National Guard or some other state National guard unit and murder some border patrol agents and the pond scum scumbags will flee the scene with the rest of their maggot communist agents, and bingo the war begins. but people aren’t’ stupid any longer and they will know because all eyes will be watching the scum who do such dastardly deeds and work for the FBI, CIA, DHS, DOJ and so on. These maggots are enemy No.1 of the nation as well as the executive Branch who gives them the marching orders.
FBI agents have home addresses too