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6 months ago

I commented on this before, this was an FBI, CIA, DOJ or DOD false flag operation that went terribly wrong, one of these Marxist agencies once again used antifa who are their private hit squad to murder Trump, and if it wasn’t for God intervening the man would be dead now. This entire operation of FBI and CIA have their handprints all over this. The best they call in the FBI to pick up the body and begin investigating what happened and who is behind it, when all the time they were behind it Mark my words, the body of the shooter as well all the ballistics will go missing and no one will have any answers, once again for the crimes they commit. All roads lead back to Rome. Trump better get smart, if and when he is elected, he needs to overhaul and fire everyone in supervisory capacity at the FBI, CIA and DOJ., and he better do it within his first month. There are all Clinton, Obama, and Biden moles placed in all these agencies as well as democrat Marxist analysts and every one of them must be fired or sent to prison for life with no parole.

6 months ago

Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Retaliatory shootings at both sides? Then what? Or maybe it stops here. Time will tell. Republican Convention this week.

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
6 months ago

Things just went from bad to Worse. THEY have announced their intentions. And they Signed their work. This has LIHOP written all over it.

6 months ago

They screwed up and left him in the kill box for too long. This was an inside job. The SS has some explaining to do. The SS Director should resign forthwith! The FBI should not be allowed to investigate this assassination attempt. They are corrupt beyond any recognition of a respectable agency. Maybe the US Marshals Office should do the investigation.

6 months ago

Hard questions will be asked on Mondy morning. No more Kabuki theater at these hearings. People in high places need to be arrested on the spot, starting with DHS Director Mayorkas.
