Thoughts for an Easter morning …


And on this Easter morning you might wish to consider the distinction between your Faith, which drives those small acts of kindness and love, and the Power of church and state.

The following is the introduction from a post on The Burning Platform:

Eclipsed: The Church & the State have overshadowed real Christian values

Guest Post by Jordan Henderson

A Facemask for the Christian Right – The Pledge of Allegiance

The pledge of allegiance is a similar ritual to Covid facemask wearing: it is a ritual of subservience to the state, and a ceremonial statement of belief and faith in the authorities. The pledge of allegiance is extremely common in the USA, especially in schools and at government and community meetings.

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,”

The reality of people across the USA pledging their allegiance to the flag of the US federal government while wearing a Covid facemask was my initial inspiration for the painting above. I then remembered where I first learned the pledge of allegiance as a child…in church.


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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

How many attended cub scout, weblos, and boy-scouts in a church?
(You know back when, the world largely knew what boys and girls were, and we were ok with that!)
And many went on to military? What did we learn there? Were we all God fearing &(respecting)? How did we and others around us conduct themselves? Any regrets? Any sorrows?
Life has been full of indoctrinations, fortunately for some of us we never quite had the individuality erased nor removed completely.
(Mashiak has been within us.) Can still be within us, And hopefully still remains.
Hindsight is 2020 and i would not change much if any of my upbringing, and life, it has been a great learning experience, full of both good and bad.
Being grateful is key. Discernment in all things past present and future needed.
He loves us. we should return the gift.

Roth Harbard
2 years ago

I stopped ‘pledging allegiance’ over ten years ago. That was when I decided that so pledging to an entity that has proven since 1861 to hate me, my kith, and kin, and has declared itself my enemy is not a wise course to pursue. I also learned that the fellow who pushed the pledge off on the school system had a brother who was selling all those American flags. Early on they even had school kids doing the Roman salute during the recitation.
Add to this that practically every Christian church in America, you know, the churches that supposedly follow the Bible that teaches we are not ‘citizens of this world’, yes, those churches, all display American flags right up front.
The United States of America, Inc. It’s all about the money. And because the love of money is the ‘root of all evil’, we should not be surprised with where we are today.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

The pledge was written by a socialist. The words “under God” weren’t added until the mid 1950’s.

Snotty Boy
Snotty Boy
2 years ago

I have pledged my allegiance to Jesus Christ and to my family and tribe. I have no more room for any more allegiances….
Just sayin…..

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
2 years ago

Partaking of the blood and body of The Son of God, who came in the flesh, is the only pledge or oath that matters.

2 years ago

Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance is idolatry, as is saluting the flag. These acts seem rather freemasonic in nature (like oath taking). These behaviors did not and can not be preserving of this country, but only seem to fortify corporations, secret groups and organizations and the like, as has been evidenced.