Thoughts on the Primaries

See additional comments on Tea Party Nation. Be warned, it is a cat fight there.

The referendum in North Carolina yesterday was clear: Constitution vs. GOP elite. Obviously a grassroots’ movement to reestablish the Constitution and the voice of the people failed. The 2008 elections woke up an apathetic nation and the Tea Party movement formed. They had a major impact on the 2010 elections and the Democrat Party in conjunction with the media started their smear campaign.

But a strange thing happened in 2012: the Tea Party mounted successful campaigns against establishment GOP candidates. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul took the stage in Congress as a new front supporting the Constitution. The consequences of a rising tide of the people threatened the heart of the GOP elite. And we saw the consequences yesterday of a campaign financed by liberals (Renee Ellmers and her support for immigration reform) and a campaign financed by the national Republican Party (Thom Tillis).

The people will never be able to compete monetarily against the political parties and the media. So where does that leave a disillusioned populace whose belief in a political solution is rapidly being shattered? As I have stated in the past, “Why would we expect the politicians from both parties who have put our nation and Liberty in peril to become our saviors”? It is time to wake up and believe in ourselves with the help of Divine Providence instead of domestic enemies.

David DeGerolamo

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10 years ago

I hope that as we regroup for the next battle in the war for the soul of our state and this nation we remember nearly 55% of voters did NOT support the establishment candidate Tilliis. One would think that RINOs from Bush in ’88, to Romney in the last election the GOP would learn the lesson of running democrat lites but it appears they would rather loose an election than to lessen their grip on and quest for power.

David…many of us are preparing for the worst yet praying for the best. No matter the course we ask that Divine Providence be our guide and bless our efforts.

10 years ago

for those who still have faith in a corrupt election process

btw… that 2010 gang that took over congress…where are they!!