Thoughts on the State of the Union

It does not matter whether the President intentionally snubbed Nancy Pelosi at the State of the Union address. What does matter is the multiple insults the Democrats made against the country, our security, the rule of law, the sanctity of life and the Constitution. Partisan politics on display tonight clearly showed that they have put power over their sworn duty. If you had any doubt about who our enemy is in the impending civil war, the Democrat responses during the speech clarified who and what they are.

Nancy Pelosi ripped up a signed copy of the President’s address tonight. She also destroyed the Democrat Party’s plans to convert the country to Communism. We must never forget the sacrifices that our forefathers made to give us this country. We will never surrender it to the evil known as the Democrat Party.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

Brett Baier on Fox News made the point that the traditional way for the Speaker to introduce the President is to say, “It is my honor and distinct pleasure to introduce to you the President of the United States.” All Pelosi said was, “The President of the United States.” Would anyone fault him for snubbing her for this, much less for everything else that has transpired?

I expect that Pelosi’s little stunt in ripping up his speech at the end will come back to haunt her.