
      You have to wonder what took Bobby Kennedy, Jr. so long to recognize that the Democratic Party was a home that he had long ago been turned out of, like a dog that has peed on the carpet too many times. At the end of last week, Mr. Kennedy intimated that he might run for president on an independent line. If he manages to get that line on the state ballots — and you can easily imagine New York and California trying to thwart him — it will change all the current calculations about the 2024 election.

      As of right now, the Party of Chaos is living up to its name. They continue to present an obviously false and ridiculous consensus among themselves that “Joe Biden” is running for reelection. In fact, “the Big Guy” is about to get run through a wringer of the most abject public disgrace as his already-well-known crimes of bribery and treason get conscientiously laid out for all to see with cold and implacable decorum. Even the mind-fucked spawn of the Ivy League, toiling away on their CIA-owned newspapers and cable news networks, might find themselves forced to spin their narrative in a new direction.

     “Joe Biden” is now a monumental embarrassment and a liability to our country, let alone to the degenerate party that owns him. Sub rosa efforts must be in motion to persuade him to resign before the impeachment inquiry spotlights all those telltale bank records, but they will fail to overcome his demented pride. He’ll ride this thing out to the bitter end, when he can use the last tool at his disposal to officially pardon everyone involved in his family’s racketeering operation. The longer the party pretends to support him, the closer the party itself skates toward self-destruction. Also consider: if allowed to play out, the impeachment inquiry will implicate the DOJ and the FBI in obstruction of justice — exposing many Deep State blob players to danger of prosecution.


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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

They are planning something big to make pedo joes’s problems go away. They just opened another investigation of Trump in Manhattan.

1 year ago

No matter who runs, the 33 trillion debt looms in our face, the same two faced crooks are in Congress. The system is collapsing, will collapse, and must collapse. Holding it together with a lick and a promise will not work.

1 year ago

Ordinarily I’d say him running as a third party candidate was a bad idea…because the ONLY votes he would draw would be from the right. That would give us a repeat of 1992 when Ross Perot’s candidacy drew enough votes from Bush Sr. to allow Slick Willie The Rapist to win the election. But since the left now OWNS the electoral machinery it really won’t make a difference. NOBODY will EVER win another office of any importance that hasn’t been approved by the DNC…who create the fake ballots needed for their choices to win.