Matt Bracken has a deal on his novels: 1/2 price for a case of 16 books including shipping.
From Mr. Bracken:
Basically the printed books retail for $20. Amazon discounts them to maybe $15. I will sell full cases of 16 books for $160, and I kick in the shipping. This is the industry standard for full cases. For 16 mixed titles, $180, and flat-signed, $200, since the book needs to be shipped twice. My warehouse doesn’t open boxes or remix them.
Send an email to: steelcutter48 at to place an order. Visit his website for information on other Matt Bracken books.
As events start to spiral out of control, it is a good time to start educating people on the consequences of abolishing the 2nd amendment and an Article V Convention.
David DeGerolamo
I know a woman who lives on the border who has studied illegal immigration
for decades but many from the so-called conservative media
refuse to take her calls….
Michael Savage, Alex Jones and now Ken Matthews in PA.
have refused to take on air calls from Alice Novoa….