And the people cried out “Let us vote” but their elected leaders said that the people could not be trusted.
I wish that we could vote our way out of this. Some days, I see a glimmer of hope that a civil war can be avoided. Then I see how Mark Meadows colluded with Lynda Bennett and Asheville TEA to anoint his chosen successor effectively bypassing the “process”. In the past, candidate debates were held so that the people could ask questions and make their own decisions. I often wonder what our founding fathers would say if they could see that some people base their vote on the recommendations of others. Maybe if the people had made great sacrifices for their Liberty, they would be more vigilant for whom they vote and understand their personal responsibility for keeping this country free.
Watching portions of the impeachment proceedings over the past two months has also made me question how we “elect” our political elite. How can the people of California elect Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi to office when their districts are literally sh_tholes? And yes, I am taking voter fraud into consideration.
What IF?
- What if people had to vote on April 15th for all final elected offices?
- What if people had to present valid identification to vote?
- What if early voting was eliminated?
- What if people were prosecuted for illegal voting practices?
- What if people took their right to vote seriously and understood the consequences of their vote as it impacts their children’s future?
The solutions to restoring our Republic are actually quite simple. The problem is the same throughout history: tyranny will not go quietly into the night. How do you recognize tyrants or their supporters? The first clue is anyone who knows that we are a Republic but tries to convince you that we are a Democracy. The ones who do not know that we are a Republic but think we are a Democracy are only useful idiots. They will follow the same path as other Communist supporters once their usefulness is no longer required.
So then that leaves us what other options?
David DeGerolamo
Just saw this recently. Bill H is right. Our government fed and state has been infested with criminals for far too long.
David -- -- I wholeheartedly support your statement: “Maybe if the people had made great sacrifices for their Liberty, they would be more vigilant for whom they vote and understand their personal responsibility for keeping this country free.”
Back when states were sovereign (pre-Lincoln) one had to be a landowner to vote. Then it was only men voting and it was an obligation taken seriously.
We have made voting eligibility too easy. It means little to most folks now. They did nothing to earn it so it means little to them. If we said you don’t vote unless you pay taxes (that excludes unearned income credit folks), it would instantly change the type of government we are subjected to living under.
Or make voting contingent on military service or equivalent three year forestry/conservation corps service…
Anything to make one have skin in the game would be an improvement.
Voting to easy. i agree. Many people only think they ‘deserve’ this right. They do not understand it is a blessing and carry’s with it great responsibility.
we (generational y)have handed out “rights” like it is free candy. Nothing is free, including freedom.
Free almost always carries with it responsibilities, and consequences.
Well reasoned post and comments, I agree, we as a country need to get back to the founding principles to get this mess straightened out for ourselves and our posterity. The starting point is today. Yes, you read that correctly. Today is the only day we have in hand. We are in the run up to the next time to vote in a national election. We dropped a bomb on the Dims electing DJT and if we can do it again, the shock and awe it produces will reverberate throughout the swamp. This will shake loose more of the hidden players and give us strategic intel for the next action. Look to the next election as part of the battlespace and continue to prep and train for the worst case scenario. Let the evil ones come out of hiding and show their ugly face, the correct action will become evident. We are at war with the left already, we see what they want to establish, I say, No Way! IMO TET.
Part of the problem with trying to solve things through voting is that there has to be both (sufficient numbers of) people worth voting for and they need to be immune to corruption.
A large part of the problem is that oftentimes the only ones that even get on the ballot are ones who have achieved significant financial wealth and are not likely very good people that are liberty minded but instead want control over others (consider how they got their financial wealth).
I see very few people who fit the bill.
Totally agree, with your comment. What if Hillary had been elected? Do you think we would have had these three years to educate ourselves about the Dimms corruption? How many have been awakened by DJT? Do I think he’s some kind of saint? Not by a long shot, but neither am I. The vote is a non-violent way to create a critical mass of power. The corruption of the voting process is how the commies have made their biggest gains, we know how to fix that.
This posting is what that is about, please don’t get hung up on the morals of the candidates, none of us is worthy. Let’s fix what has been corrupted and see what the Lord will do. What is required is that we begin to turn this ship of state away from the rocks of moral depravity and tyranny by the means at hand. I’m a sailor, I know how to reverse helm but I also know when it’s time to gun the throttle or reef the main. Sometimes a sailor gets down on his knees too, believe me. TET
Voting is/will be immaterial due to one thing. One side will not abide by the laws/rules. It is not a dem/leftist vs conser/right fight. It is those wanting socialism/power vs those wanting freedom/ liberty. If those wanting socialism refuse to abide the laws/rules, there is no county to vote for. There is only conflict. Increasing levels of conflict. I don’t see dividing the country. The socialist don’t have the area (energy and GDP production) they need for independence. The liberty loving people have that. The socialist will try to take it or keep it. Then game on.
I agree whole-heartedly with your analasis except that the game is already on. Voting is a tactic, a stone to throw at these monsters, as in “cast your vote”. The increasing conflict is up to them, they can choose to accept the social contract of our Republic or be pushed into the sea by overwhelming force of will. TET.
I live in California. I have the answer to your question “How could the people of CA vote these “people” ( I use the term loosely) in?? L.A., San Francisco, Sacramento! The rest of the state voted against them!!