TL Davis: A People Betrayed

War has been brought to our shores. War begins when the forces of an opposing ideology to that of the existing people takes land and holds it either through force, deception or traitorous complacency. This is what has happened in Seattle. Antifa and Black Lives Matter are Marxist in nature, proven by their own professions, not through defamation. Marxism and the Constitution cannot co-exist. They are ideologies at odds with each other on every level. The Constitution places power in the hands of the people, while Marxism places power in the hands of the state. Those lines have been blurred over the past century in America, where bureaucracies have claimed power over the people through the state. This has taken place in preparation for the invasion by communists. That Americans have allowed this to happen out of a desire for peace and order only clouds the true issues at hand today. 

Today, we are forced to recognize that the citizens of the United States stand on one side of the line or another. There is no middle ground. The middle ground was erased by those in Seattle who have been empowered by the mayor of Seattle and the governor of Washington State. While this might seem a curiosity to the casual observer there are those who recognize it for what it is, an existential threat to our families and our freedom across the nation. One state has already given a toehold to communism in America. One state has become hostile to freedom. It cannot be allowed to spread. It no longer matters what is written in the Declaration of Independence or the United States Constitution, those are documents compromised by those placed in power by the people, but the people of America are autonomous by birth. The people of America serve no government, but rather ideals entrusted to one government construct or another for however long that construct serves those ideals, but no longer.


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