TL Davis: Cannibals at the Gate

When we view the America of today, we see a people and a culture that has evolved into a socially cannibalistic mob. I can say the “left” or “communist” or “collectivist,” but they are not the only ones guilty of this cannibalism. There is no singular blame, because we, those who have allowed them to prosper using these tactics, are just as much to blame for their behavior. Parents of a spoiled and intemperate brat are not innocent; they are not allowed to stand back in horror with the rest of the crowd witnessing the abhorrent behavior of their child free from responsibility.

The actions of the media-fueled lynch mob that quickly gathered to berate, insult and demand the heads of the Covington Catholic School students are just one example of this socially cannibalistic society. They are not the only examples. This sort of behavior did not spring up out of thin air, it is the product of the likes of Jerry Springer, where the rules of social behavior are diluted to nothingness over a few decades of tolerance. This might be the furthest extent of that nature, but the Kavanaugh confirmation happened first and both are driven on by a momentum of societal destruction sponsored by George Soros and the tech giants of Google, Facebook and Twitter.

We have become a nation, a society of hatred, ironically by demanding an end to hatred. The message that it is okay to hate in order to rid the nation of hatred is stenciled on every leftist banner flying today. And, while this nonsensical motto flies above everything the left does, the right has done nothing to right the ship. They have pulled back in horror, but have taken no positive steps to crush this method of societal destruction like some disconnected parent of an insufferable brat, so one might only conclude that they agree with it or powerless to bring it under control and useless either way. They are just too cowardly to embrace it openly, but there is a sense that they are silently nodding their heads while middle America watches in horror and wonders when and how they will respond when such actions are used on them.


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5 years ago

…[I]f we care about our remaining liberties we must at some point draw a line in the sand and let politicians and bureaucrats know we will not tolerate further encroachment on our God-given rights to liberty.
Walter E. Williams

Now why is that so hard to do?

5 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

All experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.