TL Davis: Evil Purpose of the Honduran Invasion

There has been a lot speculation about the Honduran Invasion over the past few weeks. The idea has been spread that it is an October surprise; that the invasion has been funded by powerful communists like George Soros. The theory has been that it is intended to damage Republicans either as a floating voting block intended to skew the elections coming up in November, or they are to create damaging optics for Republicans during the election cycle. But, what if it is intended to have a much more diabolical purpose, not before the election, but after it?

The Honduran Invasion might be used for all of the above purposes, but there could be a more cynical and criminal element to it as well. As seen here in this picture, they are not coming here out of any love for America, but with the intent to destroy it through the ballot box, by skewing the demographics or violence all of which have been promoted in recent weeks by the Democrats (communists).


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