TL Davis: Stop It!

I Have Had Enough. Stop Erasing Our History. - Qanon-news

It’s time to stop. People who criticize Q for being a method of quelling the masses offer little difference when they speak of keeping oaths and defending the republic against all enemies foreign and domestic. None of it is happening.

The most logical and rational meme is that “no one is coming to save you.” Also, no one is going to save the republic. There are a lot of reasons for this, good, logical reasons. One is that the chances of a patriot surviving the first conversation with a federal agent are slim and none. Who knows who they are, they have infiltrated every situation. Suddenly, the patriot is carted off for conspiracy of something. So, there is no one to trust.

The reason for this is that the war has been raging for decades. The enemy is inside the lines. In fact, they are the lines. Those who hate America as founded and hate those who adhere to the founding are using the prison system as POW camps. No one has tried to stop these agencies from doing what they do. The truth is, they won. The declaration by the DHS that identified Trump supporters as “domestic terrorists” (up to 80 million people) proves that they won. All without our side having to exhibit heroism.

We are now a communist nation. This is proved by the fact that they are starting mop-up operations against what little opposition remains. Two keys to that are:


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4 years ago

I agree that secession is probably our only recourse. However, do not lie to yourself, like whoever wrote this, when they say, “It has already been proven that the people themselves will not stop this madness. Even if they tried, the communists would win.” If there is a secession movement, there will be war. Altering the system, abolishing the system, or leaving the system, all three will result in violence. The Powers that Be will never allow secession without a military response, just like they would respond with force if we try to alter or abolish the system from within.

4 years ago

I Disagree, Secession won’t work for a lot of reasons.
1 Already been tried
2 Before any State would actually do it, the Leaders of the movement would be Arrested.
3 If States actually did they would be invaded by the US Military.
That doesn’t mean we should give up. TPTB can’t arrest us all and put us in jail, or Reeducation camps. I’m changing Party Affiliation to Independent. It’s 1 small thing that, if enough of us do can make a difference. The Govt. does not give us our rights, they are supposed to protect them. Do not comply with Illegal Orders. we are headed for interesting times. Trust in God, and fear nothing.

4 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Do you think Texas will do it. There has been talk about it all my life and nothing. I ask that as an honest question.

4 years ago

I think secession is a faulty idea for the following reasons:

  1. The courts are corrupt -- we can no longer be assured of a fair trial
  2. Congress is corrupt -- we do not have equal and legitimate representation
  3. The new fourth branch of government (the media) is corrupt. They serve only as a propaganda tool for the traitors
  4. The President (a usurper) is corrupt
  5. The election system is corrupt (no state could possibly be assured of a legitimate vote to secede absent in-person voting with paper ballots and proper identification enforcement, not to mention legitimate, supervised vote counting

Politically and theoretically speaking, I see no other alternative to restoring our republic than through revolution. However, as a citizen of the kingdom of Heaven, my hope is for the Lord Jesus Christ, who is King of kings and Lord of lords, to overthrow all tyranny on the day when He returns in glory. Until that day…
“…Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed.”

Last edited 4 years ago by AngryPatriot
4 years ago

Groups are easily Infiltrated, if they Are grass-roots organized, and much more likely that “groups” are .gov Traps in the First Place.
This is why the Lone Wolf scares the crap out of Tyrants Everywhere.
As for “Secession”, given how the States are controlled by the “Usual Suspects” from the Uniparty of Corruption, don’t expect anything there.