TL Davis: Zaps WRSA for truth-telling

Around 5 pm Eastern on Tuesday, June 2nd 2020,  WESTERN RIFLE SHOOTERS ASSOCIATION website that has been on the cutting edge of social commentary for over a decade was summarily taken down by WordPress. This is the sort of thing I have been warning people about, though they dismiss it as a plea for help, it is not. Voices will be deleted by those with the power to do so. It is why I left Blogger and why I started the Newsletter as a stop gap and eventually started this blog on our own website.

CA was a powerful voice, if often making his statements through what he posted and a few snarky remarks, but always to help educate and inform, often in graphic detail. I don’t see at this late stage him going through the trouble to restart it elsewhere. Look for some occasional comments from CA on American Partisan

A lot of great information was suddenly flushed by the worst sort of people who claim to be Americans, but are not. 

As Bluto Blutarsky said: “It ain’t over ’til we say it’s over.”  Concerned American


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