To Protest Or Not To Protest

Glenn Beck both praised and chastised me indirectly today on his radio program. Mr. Beck puts forth the proposition that the American people should not organize counter protests such as the one in Raleigh to provide alternative opinions for the Save the American Dream Rally. However, he did not have a problem with people documenting these rallies and strongly encouraged non-confrontational recordings of these events.

I was one of several people who helped organize the Raleigh counter protest along with Randy’s Right, the Moccasin Creek Minutemen, Triangle Conservatives Unite! and NC Tea Party Revolution. As much as I wanted to be out on the street with fellow patriots trying to save this country from Communism, I felt it was more important to film the actual rally.

For the people who have decided to proactively support freedom by attending protests and counter protests, I salute you. If Mr. Beck had a front seat for 50 minutes at the rally listening to Communist rhetoric designed to overthrow our country, he may have a different opinion. What would happen to me if I had called for a Revolution in the country as Dana Cope does in this video:

Americans have a decision to make. You can wait for the knock on the door or not. Only you can decide what actions you will take. I can only judge my actions to the following rule:

Will my children be proud of my actions in the future?

We also can look to other periods in history for inspiration or in the following case, the consequences of inaction:

First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up,
    because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up,
    because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up,
    because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one
    left to speak up for me.

Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945

Are we close to a corresponding point of time which made Samuel Adams write the following:

“Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say ‘what should be the reward of such sacrifices?’ Bid us and our posterity bow the knee, supplicate the friendship and plough, and sow, and reap, to glut the avarice of the men who have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot in our blood and hunt us from the face of the earth? If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!”

Samuel Adams

If you have not entertained this upcoming future, ask yourself if you would have entertained the position of our country’s current situation even one year ago?

David DeGerolamo

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Tim Peck
13 years ago

“Government employees don’t need special legal protections for ‘collective bargaining.’ Union members are free to rally, argue, campaign, and vote. And taxpayers have every right, through their elected representatives, to say no to union demands. The right of the taxpayer to his own earnings is what the political-sector unions blatantly disregard. At the Denver rally, various union supporters claimed that unions are responsible for shorter workweeks, higher wages, and the rise of the middle class. In fact, insofar as unions have resorted to political force, they have thrown others out of work, undermined American business, and stunted the middle class.”

13 years ago

We have reached a point in our history like no other, including the Revolution against the King. We are being attacked on all sides and are attacking each other as Americans. We no longer stand united. And IMHO we never will again. So it is thrust upon each of us to do what each of our consciences dictates. I will not put asunder my fellow patriots for doing what their hearts tell them they must do. But I will continue to stand against those who want to personally destroy that which my beliefs, my drive for real liberty and freedom, wish to take from me. For those things, I will stand with other patriots and fight to the death to preserve them.
What I will no longer do is to fight what I consider to be futile fights against those idiots who have no idea for which they fight. Those who refuse to learn, to understand what faces all of us and who continue to destroy me because I do understand, will no longer have any place in my heart or my life. And that is true of any side of this battle one has taken.
I will do my very best to be here when the dust settles and help those who withstood the arrows of hate and deceit and have stood tall in order that we can build a new nation on man’s God given right to own his life in freedom and have the liberties to enjoy that life with his family and friends. We will build on what the founding fathers of the United States designed and we will strive, with God’s help, to make it better than even they designed.
In Liberty
Larry Porter

Pam Reynolds
Pam Reynolds
13 years ago

I did not hear much of his show this morning but I disagree with him on this issue. I believe we must rally and counter protest. I do agree with him in saying that “they” want us to rally and protest. They want all of this to come to a head because it fits into their agenda. I will continue to do what I can for my country. We do the best we can to go to all the protests and rallies but sometimes work has to come first in order to pay the bills. I try waking people up and most people think I am crazy and then some of the ones who truly “get it” do not want to do anything about it. I cry regularly over my country and pray for it daily. I just do not know what else to do that will be truly effective. What does everyone else out there think is effective? I think we need another HUGE march or rally and millions and millions need to be there. I know that the regime tries to ignore us but they see us when we have huge numbers. I believe it was good for all of us to get together in one place so that we know that we are truly not alone.

William Sterrett
William Sterrett
13 years ago

What does it take for people to understand what is going on? What does it take for people to be called to action? How bad do things really have to become? Are they all country club patriots? There has not been a call for violence or turmoil from patriots. Is it difficult to just show up and be peaceful? WNC tea party leadership showed their true colors this last saturday. Tea party members were not informed of the assault by SEIU and that was planned for asheville. The tea party was nowhere to be seen, as communists, socialist and enemies of our republic spewed rhetoric and hate in asheville. As for me, I believe in peace, freedom, and individual liberty! I don’t stand with the country club patriots. God help you. Goodbye. In Liberty, Bill

Silence Dogood 2010
13 years ago

I will CONTINUE to stand with Patriots and I’ll continue to protest those who wish to do damage to our country. I am a Patriot…HEAR me ROAR!

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” -- Quote from the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence.

Respectfully submitted by SD2010

13 years ago

I understood his (Beck’s) point about not wanting violence to break out at counter-protests and how that is EXACTLY what Union thugs, commies, etc want and are trained to instigate.

I also agree that there should be more demonstrations about what patriots support or oppose, with a date of their own determination, and not a date that is merely a reaction to a protest by the other side.

For instance, I have read this morning that Bev is going to Veto the healthcare bill just passed in the general assembly. If she does, perhaps a group should get together and protest that veto. she had said, previously, that she wouldn’t veto it. Evidently some arm-twisting paid off and she’s changed her mind. She has gotten a free pass in this state. Perhaps it’s time to send HER a message.

Joe Taylor
13 years ago

Yes, I will rally and counter protest………To some it just doesn’t look right for a gray haired ole man to be yelling into a bull horn, disagreeing loudly with Barber or MoveOn.Org; well, get used to it. I’ve ignored the obvious long enough.