![Terrorism, restlessness, and Bastille Day – Catholic World Report](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/files.catholicworldreport.com/2018/07/bastilleday-678x375.jpg)
Bastille Day, in France and its overseas départements and territories, holiday marking the anniversary of the fall on July 14, 1789, of the Bastille, in Paris. Originally built as a medieval fortress, the Bastille eventually came to be used as a state prison. Political prisoners were often held there, as were citizens detained by the authorities for trial. Some prisoners were held on the direct order of the king, from which there was no appeal. Although by the late 18th century it was little used and was scheduled to be demolished, the Bastille had come to symbolize the harsh rule of the Bourbon monarchy. During the unrest of 1789, on July 14 a mob approached the Bastille to demand the arms and ammunition stored there, and, when the forces guarding the structure resisted, the attackers captured the prison and released the seven prisoners held there. The taking of the Bastille signaled the beginning of the French Revolution, and it thus became a symbol of the end of the ancien régime.
Although I do not like to follow in the footsteps of the French, we are close to a Bastille Day in the United States. As the people wake up and understand that the Deep State has usurped our Republic, one event will trigger the rebellion as outlined by Thomas Jefferson:
What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is its natural manure.
Our country’s rulers have no fear of any warning or resistance from the people. They have made half of us into wage slaves to maintain a level of tyranny under a false guise of “democracy” by paying the other half with entitlements to maintain their power base. The long train of abuses include:
- A two tiered justice system.
- An infringement of our rights which is shielded by the judicial branch.
- Taxation without representation.
- The illegal purchase and seizure of property for federal use.
- Uncontrolled spending that currently has resulted in a current debt of $26.5 trillion.
- The nationalization of our healthcare.
- The enslavement of our children through college debt nationalized by the government.
- The indoctrination of our children in the primary education system to promote their new paradigm.
- The continued elimination of states’ rights as outlined in the Constitution but illegally usurped by the 14th amendment.
- The funding of abortions by the government.
Our forefathers have only shame for their descendents. They watch as we allow the Deep State led coup cancel our culture and Constitution in order to initiate a new Communist society. I pray that our Bastille Day comes soon. I also pray that it does not presage the same level of bloodshed as the French Revolution.
David DeGerolamo
Nothing Happens as long as the Lights stay on.
“…does not presage the same level of bloodshed as the French Revolution.”
No, we’re going to have to make the French Revolution look like a Church Picnic.
The Woodchipper is the ‘American Guillotine’.