Tolerance Is Overrated: It’s Time To Start Gatekeeping American Society Again

By Brandon Smith

Whenever we have to address the issue of “progressive” ideology in America today, the debate inevitably finds its way around to the grand idealism of “acceptance” and “tolerance.” The assertion by leftists is that they are on the side of “freedom” and human rights, and that by confronting or separating ourselves from certain behaviors we are revealing out bigotry and discrimination. In other words, leftists assert that all personal beliefs and behaviors must be embraced by the populace in order for society to become pure.

Except, this is not what they really believe. Leftists argue for tolerance of aberrant behaviors while admonishing normal human tribal and biological reactions. They have a vision for the world, and certain beliefs are not accepted within that Utopian fantasy.

The basis of the leftist religion is not a deity, it is self perception. They worship themselves and think the collective is valuable so long as it reaffirms their identity. Anything that might restrict their pursuit of self aggrandizement is considered oppressive. This is why they often argue in favor of moral relativism. They have a delusion in their mind of what they are; they see themselves as a fantastic gift to the world. But, if people are allowed to judge them on their moral failings then they will always be reminded that they are not all that impressive. So, they seek to control the views and speech of others.

While they speak constantly of acceptance, they rely on zealotry to achieve their objectives. They are highly intolerant of people who do not want to participate in their movement or their activism. In fact, one of the most used protest slogans of the political left is “silence is violence.” By refusing to support them, or by keeping to yourself, you automatically become their enemy even if you don’t directly oppose them.


h/t Robert Gore

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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Tolerance and acceptance has gotten us where we are now, I am not talking about tolerance and acceptance in a meaningful sense, but the tolerance and acceptance the communists push down our throats on a daily basis. I will not accept or tolerate the globohomo ideology, period. Time for a little push back, enough is enough, should we wait until the gun is to back of our heads, if you don’t think that is where this is headed, well good luck with that.

1 year ago

Many preachers tell their flock that as Christian’s, we should love the Sinner.

I agree with that dogma, but only up to a point:
I may truly love the Sinner, but I do not have to love the Sin !!

My church, the so-called “United Methodist Church” is undergoing a wrenching split-up due to differing beliefs toward gay preachers, gay marriage, glorification of perverse behaviors. The deal worked out among the two sides is that churches will vote to stay or leave (to join the World Methodist Church). Those voting to leave will be told how much they have to pay to buy their church building and property that they and earlier members already paid to build and maintain. That way the “United” bunch will be enriched for their tolerant acceptance of biblically prohibited actions.

Makes one question to the remaining bunch: Exactly with whom are you remaining “United”…..??

As Aristotle said, “ Tolerance and Apathy are the last vestiges of a failing society”.

Brad Long
Brad Long
1 year ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

I left the UMC back in 1995. They had dingbats at the helm even then. I could see that if you did not sing their songs and dance to their music of diversity…well, it would be most unpleasant. But, as a historical side note, the Methodist Episcopal Church was the biggest faith group in the 1840’s. The Southern Methodist Church was created because of a political split. Then, by 1861, Americans were killing each other big time. Coinkydink?

1 year ago

I believe we should be exactly as tolerant of perversion as God expected the ancient Israelites to be tolerant of perversion.

1 year ago

There will be no peace with these people. There is no debating them. There is no reasoning with them. Truth doesn’t sway them. The Constitution and the hundreds of thousands of laws that exist do not deter them. They are the epitome of evil. They are perverts and child molestors. They hate normal society and western values. As I have said many times before,to their credit they tell you they are going to steal your money and imprison you or kill you if you resist their commands. ( And now add- have sex with your children) They follow through. They face ZERO opposition. In my humble opinion, all that remains is a breaking point for a small number of people beyond which they will fight back violently. Hell, even the french had a resistance movement. I suspect it will have to do with them finally strangling off food supplies or energy to the point where hunger and terror sets in. Then you have nothing to lose by taking the fight to them and everything to gain. In the meantime, buy guns, ammo and food staples.

1 year ago
Reply to  godhelpus

And lots and lots of those dehydrated water packets.

1 year ago

There are certain situations in which the non-aggression principle does not apply.”

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

If the LBGT whatever crowd wants to butt fu-k each other that’s fine by me, but leave me and my family out of the hedonistic behavior. If you came in my yard prancing around, or protesting, expect to be met with OO buckshot, or a hail of 55 gr bullets. I have no interest or concern for their wellbeing.

Philip DiNardo
Philip DiNardo
1 year ago

Any evil and wicked freak Transgender who dresses and acts like the pedophiles they are have been duly warned in the scripture as what God thinks of them or any evil lifestyle like it: It’s abominable!!!
Deuteronomy 22:5 “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.” King James Version (KJV)

Last edited 1 year ago by Philip DiNardo
1 year ago

Cursed be he that doeth the work of Jahweh deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.-Jeremiah 48:10.

1 year ago

All politics is local. Right now, in Coeur d’Alene ID, two men are running for the library trustee position when it became known that the two Marxist witches who are the incumbents, allow teen and pre-teen children to be exposed to all sorts of soft and hard porn. This election is being hard fought by the forces(sic) of darkness who run the local Marxist-Infanticide Party here in Kootenai County. Election day is Tuesday, 05/16. I will keep you all posted. Our backs are to the wall.

1 year ago

Keep up the good fight, brother. We loved our farm in Kootenai and living up there, but man when the people started flooding in the politics went to heck in a hurry. Conservatives have to stop with the “I don’t agree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it” and get more like “you ain’t bringing that crap around here. Period.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Hound

Hound: We won! The two men defeated the two Marxist Wiccan “Wimmen”. The losers still received a substantial number of votes which shows how much North Idaho has been contaminated by the California Cancer. Bleib ubrig.

1 year ago

Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society”

1 year ago

This tolerance agenda isn’t Communist; It’s Satanic! Remember what Spirit we’re really dealing with.