Too Little, Too Late for Jason Chaffetz

The actions taken by the GOP leadership to punish those representatives who had the audacity to challenge legislation not in the best interests of the people has created a backlash. Mark Meadows has been reinstated by Jason Chaffetz as a subcommittee chairman. Not because it was it was a mistake to punish him: it was the fear of consequences in upcoming elections.

While accountability for actions always has to be considered, we see that for every “win”, there are several losses. And the losses by the people are piling up.

David DeGerolamo


GOP reinstates punished lawmaker

Facing enormous blowback, Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) on Thursday reversed course and said he was reinstating Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) as a subcommittee chairman.

Chaffetz stripped Meadows of his subcommittee gavel last week after the congressman joined nearly three dozen other conservatives in voting against leadership on a procedural motion that nearly scuttled a major trade package.

Last week’s move was part of a pattern of punishment targeting conservatives who have defied leadership on important votes.

But Chaffetz, the new Oversight chairman, soon came under heavy fire from prominent voices on the right, including Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who’s running for president.

In a tweet, Levin called Chaffetz “a sanctimonious fraud.”

By Thursday, Chaffetz had backpedaled, saying that a number of colleagues had urged him to reconsider his decision.


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9 years ago

This guy is just another phony