Top Prepping Items People Are NOT Thinking About

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2 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to be vigilant about prepping . The truth is we may all die but the unprepared will surly die sooner!

Frank Luchese
Frank Luchese
2 years ago

Katie is a good addition to the team. A normal persons views, added to a warrior component, is a benefit.

2 years ago

I had originally planned to send the wife and laundry down to the creek.
After I explained my plan to her, she corrected my misconception, explaining hell would freeze over first!

We then duplicated your plan, adding several solar showers for showers, hot wash and rinse water. This is all in the green house where there is also a wood stove.

In the old days many folks had wash houses with, wash tubs and bath tubs, I suspect they did their canning there as well, keeping the heat out of the house!

You are the first I have seen to mention this critical issue! Keep up the good work!