TPTB Are Playing For Keeps. We Are Free To Fight These Tyrants. We Just Need The Courage To Act!

I’ve tried for many years now to get people to realize that there is no voting our way out of this mess we find ourselves in. Yet still, here today, I hear people talking about how they are going to go vote because it’s the only way that they know how to have their voice heard or fight the system. What good is your vote in a system that has been proven corrupt? What good is your vote when the people you elect only serve their self-interest, not the will of the people? What good is your vote when every candidate is just a lesser evil?

There is a “fight” coming and it is coming soon. However, it seems we aren’t willing to fight. I have taken an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. That Oath never expires. I am willing to “get off the porch.” I get so tired of hearing, “but you have no plan.” I have plans. Many plans in fact. I’ve done my homework. I just can’t share my plans with cowards. What needs to be done can’t be done by cowards. My circle is small, and I only trust a handful of people, but even they are unwilling to “get off the porch.” Life is comfortable. The pain is not here. But the longer we wait the worse it’ll be.

As most of you know I turned the big 5-0 on Monday. I’m not getting any younger. I am still fit.  I have stayed in shape. I am blessed to be healthy. But time is running out to secure Liberty for my children. I feel like such a coward when I look into that mirror every morning. It’s hard. Surrounded by so much evil, so much corruption. I’m tired of being slapped in the face with it every day.

So how do we spur action? Writing, speaking and doing interviews may help people to not feel alone, but we need to do more than come together in our feelings. Getting together and griping about our situation is not going to resolve anything. If I was to stand right now and do what I know needs doing, I’d wind up being alone and possibly become a martyr.

I don’t know how we overcome our Apathy. I don’t know how we overcome our Cowardice. What we need is Courage. The Courage to Act. The Courage to be Strong for our Children. The Courage to build a better future. The Courage to eliminate EVIL! It is maddening knowing what needs to be done and watching every day go by with nothing happening and evil gaining ground.

It seems all we are willing to do is prepare for the dystopian nightmare that lies before us instead of stopping the encroaching nightmare. It’s getting harder to enjoy life while seeing the world burn in real time and not doing anything about it. My speech I gave at the Battle for the Republic rally seems to have gone over most everyone’s heads that were there. I’ve been asked to come back and get involved politically again. Pretty sure they didn’t hear a thing I said. I have no desire to go back into the belly of the beast and try again. People it seems only hear what they want to hear, but in reality, they mainly want to be told what to do. The problem is when you tell people what must be done, you get a response such as, “we can’t do things like that.” Or “we can vote them out this go round, it’ll be ok.” Hope. I think the vote provides people with Hope. Hope that they won’t actually have to do something hard. Hope that things can go back to the good ole days. Hope, the quintessential Human Delusion, simultaneously the source of our greatest strength and our greatest weakness. The problem is choice. We need to choose to save ourselves from this tyranny instead of relying on someone to do it for us. Our only Hope is to fight. It’s time we make that choice. The time for petition is over. The time for voting is over.

I also keep hearing we need to wait for the right opportunity to act. It seems we always have an excuse for it never being the right time. We are at a crossroads of sorts now. Our apathy and cowardice, are why we are in the situation we are in now. I understand that people are afraid, but if we do nothing we will all soon be slaves, or worse, dead before we even get in the fight. We have tried all peaceful means necessary that our Founders gifted us. Now it is time to use that other right they gifted us should tyranny ever raise its ugly head.

TPTB are playing for keeps. They have no rules they are following. They have destroyed the “Rule of Law” and in doing so have set us free. We are free to fight these tyrants. We just need the courage to act!

I’m sorry I’m not some big recognized national leader. If that’s what you’re waiting for I don’t think that day will ever come. But I’m here and I’m willing. I’m also willing to follow someone else’s lead. We cannot afford any martyrs.

We need to unite. We need to focus on destroying this evil we are faced with. We all need to stand up and be counted. We all need to pledge our lives, fortunes and scared honor to secure Liberty for the future of the World. Darkness cannot win.

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum


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2 years ago

What’s the signal? Who’s the target? What is the plan? Anybody going in as a team? How scared are you? When will we see politicians and unelected bureaucrat murdered for crimes against humanity? Why are theyre school shooters willing to take out kids but no one is willing to take the head of the president?????

2 years ago
Reply to  Why?

Suggestion; change murdered to killed. I agree with what you are saying. If one person steps off the porch alone then your effort I’d futile. If twenty thousand step off the porch at the same time then it is a game changer! That twenty thousand will inspire another forty thousand and so on and so forth. There must be the 21st century equivalent of George Washington amongst us with solid military command experience? That is the leadership needed to pull everything together at the right moment in time. It is our God given right to throw off the chains of tyranny! First we must seek His guidance and only then will many other things fall in line.

Space dust
Space dust
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug

Show ID is papers please

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Why?

We would be acting in self-defense, PERIOD.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

This is why i get so confused when reading the 2nd amendment and federalist papers….it’s clearly written for THIS EXACT ADMINISTRATION!
What is left to lose? Wait for them to spread monkey pox or Ebola to keep “leveling the playing field”? With all the deaths it’s just going without question now.
I feel the same as Wes when looking in the mirror. I can’t picture what my kids will have left in 10 or 15 year’s, what i am picturing is something I’d rather be dead anyway than face.
Worst part is the ones i trust most think I’m also overreacting.
Going and looking for other circles is obviously risky and whatnot BUT what do we have to lose at this Point. We should make them feel like its risky to dare infiltrate our circles. We will have to get a bit cold unfortunately, they sure as hell have!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Unfortunately for them, they deserve every bit of what is coming for them.

Space dust
Space dust
2 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Show ID is papers please

Space dust
Space dust
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Show ID is papers please

2 years ago
Reply to  Why?

Patience…we are almost there. We’ll start seeing signs of hyper-inflation in about 3-4 weeks. The Fed raised rates by 75 basis points that means interest rates just increased by 2.5-3.0%. Food costs continue to soar except beef and that will come down due to a huge selloff going on with drought farmers having to reduce herds. Hunger will motivate the masses and by the end of August more grocer shelves will be empty and prices another 23-38% more. When the people realize “real” pain they’ll move to the streets and this will be a pretense to action…but who do we identify as a target? We don’t have Blue or Grey uniforms to differentiate? It will be the “starving” vs. “not starving as much”. Is our enemy the “skinnies” vs. “chunksters”? As I see it our enemies are the “mother-weffers” led by Schwuab , banksters, politicians etc, Please add to the list and how do we define these “targets”?

Last edited 2 years ago by OPM
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

The defining is easy, the short list would be, all of the executive admin, congress, senate, all of the top brass of the military, DOD, CIA, FBI, DHS, IRS and then start with the bureaucrats at the federal level, and then move on to state and local level, these people have defined who they are.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

You mean the low lying easy to replace fruit? Klaus Schwab graduates a new class of Young Global Leaders every year!!!!
Imagine being 21 years old and being told you’re going to run a country!!!!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Once we start this the cockroaches will try and run and hide, we have no control outside the country, we need to be thorough.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Sounds like Commie Tradeua types are being bred daily. Which Universities and professor’s are “they” using??

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  grif
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  grif

That is the scum we are dealing with.

2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

Media, brokers of lies.

2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

‘the way you see it’ would be accurate, the ‘skinnies and chunksters’ as you tag them, will stay out of the way and hide behind a video game or tv….those moronic aunt-eefa will be lost in the shuffle, not knowing their butts from their elbows and most likely run home to mommy…remember in the revolution, only 1% stood up, many did not even know what was going on!

Space dust
Space dust
2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

Show ID is papers please

2 years ago
Reply to  Why?

I don’t think those people actually show their faces in public. If they do its bc they are well protected. Unlike our children!
Scared went out window last year I’d say…now I’m just PISSED

Space dust
Space dust
2 years ago
Reply to  Why?

Show ID is papers please..

Ted in NC
Ted in NC
2 years ago
Reply to  Why?

Start small, the prez is a puppet. This has to start local. This was a major lesson from Nam. All counties and local govs have been taken over by the enemy. Local is where you start.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Ted in NC

I don’t remember how but I recently stumbled onto “Nextdoor.” I’ve had shocking success. I’ve posted things that I never thought would get past the censors. It may work for you in your area.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The American public has been living in the land of make believe for decades, courage is at your fingertips, just hit the remote. I have been preparing for a long time, I have no illusions about my age 71yrs old, am in good physical condition, do not take any meds, heart rate at rest 60, blood pressure 120. My weight is what it was 40yrs ago, ready willing and able to step off the porch, we have NO other options, I would rather die as a free man than live as a slave. Let me know Wes we can step off together.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I’d take 10 Tom Fins over 50 of these millennial, entitled shats! Ain’t getting any younger here though. WE ARE THE LAST CHANCE! This is why it WAS agenda 2030…would have been a cake walk

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

I am with you FedUPFLman, we can do this.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Doing nothing we’re fooked for sure. Riding the tiger we fook back twice as hard.
No mercy given, none requested.


2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom, I am at 71 and right there with ya, I can still do a lot in 45 seconds or so, if ya know what I mean……

J Rich
J Rich
2 years ago

Wes -- I’m in. I’ve been saying this same thing since shortly after the Plandemic began. I want to do more -- I want to fight but I’m not sure how that looks and where I can sign up to fight the tyranny that we’re under now and have been for many years.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

America We Need You Now -- 1st Patriot Army This may be our chance to step off the porch, click on to the right the first infantry battalion.

robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom, Does anyone know anything about this outfit ? Is it a fed op ? I received several emails for the J6 deal from some of my old tea party patriots to go with them to the J6 rally in DC . Had I gone I probably would be sitting in the DC gulag with the rest of them . Matt Bracken tried warning folks that it looked like a fed sponsored buffalo jump so I avoided it . Any patriots we know are reliable involved in this ? If it is not fed we have to know somebody .

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  robehr orinsky

I am in the process of joining, and finding out, I think at this point I am not worried about a fed trap. They already know who we are, I will find out more and let you know.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Yeah do that Tom I am interested to hear what you have to say.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I am trying to not worry about that part also bc the fear has gotten them this deep. We must start to gather and take a chance at some point. They already know how we feel, just go through all the comments/data here they’ve collected. THEY KNOW! So be it

2 years ago

I’m ready. I’m in south-central PA, is there anyone else near me to link with?

I see this as a problem, we are of like mind here, but too far apart geographically. I’m 52 and still in decent shape, but not getting any younger. My children are in their teens, I don’t want to see them live as slaves or dead.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”
Sun Tzu
Our enemies do not desire a battle. We needed the military to win this battle. They aren’t stupid. They knew that. They have bribed the military leaders to betray their oath which probably never meant much to them.
You can’t get blood out a rock. You are not responsible for the pickle we are in. They enjoy the victories they are getting without firing a shot. It’s easy to organize when you pay people to lie, cheat and worse.
They enjoy watching us get frustrated with all of our guns and ammo. They are sociopaths.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself. Law not confusion, is the dominating principle in the universe.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

And your point is????

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

They are the creators of confusion, they have already lost, they have revealed themselves, natural law dictates a reaction.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

I’m with Wes but I think this Larson cartoon is what would most likely happen…but I’m good with the guy upstairs

true Patriot.png
2 years ago
Reply to  Herk

Sweet! Quick and painless than. LET’S ROLL

2 years ago
Reply to  Herk

If you want to give up think of the power they had against 20,000 Taliban. We spent a trillion dollars 20 years and we left with our tails between our legs. HeHe they have a whole hell of a lot to kill here if we just stand up to them they will lose. To hell with dying my problems are over then. I’m worried about living under these tyrants. I would rather be dead the quicker the method the better I’m going to Heaven to be with my lord and savior Jesus. So when they kill me it won’t be a bad day it will be my coronation day to be with my savior.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Bubba1

The goal was never to defeat the Taliban. Bush told them to hand over Bin Laden. They asked for proof he was behind 9/11. We refused to provide proof and said we were going there to get him. Americans were proud that we were going to get the bad guys.
How many have seen photos of the troops guarding the poppy fields? I believe Covid gave them reason to withdraw because of the billions of $$$$ that was made by big pharma. Didn’t need the poppy $$$ anymore.

2 years ago
Reply to  Herk

Nice cartoon. But the feds, state, and local are not that co-ordinated. You give them too much credit. For sure, they watch sites like this and already have people in the site. Found that out real fast when I was in Oathkeepers. I see that Masters of Blackrock fame has a secure phone coming out. I am gonna check out his app soon.

2 years ago

A perspective from a sociological point of view; instead of asking for fighters, maybe providing an environment that gives people something to fight for is more viable. What do people want, like, and need? Earnings (money), food, land, or possibly a different set of responsibilities; working with animals, helping in a group effort, or in an individual manner. In the bible it says “and the poor shall always be with you”. This should be looked at as a commodity by those who purport to care about the country (in ensuring that they are on ‘your side’ culturally and socially -- education falls within this). Unfortunately, the evil side understands the Bible better than many Christians, and works many of the principles, admonishments, and likewise, cultural aspects therein, to their advantage. There’s really not much more of the social and economic classes for them to conquer. Perhaps some territorial areas and according infrastructure could be offered to, or be built by people in starting anew, in which tribes are likely to form and band together. The reality of having a nation of largely single, divorced, politically unaffiliated and uninterested (an often legitimate choice and position due to the poor state of politics) and other disaffected people are becoming manifest, pointing out the futility of a so-called free country that largely doesn’t even teach it’s own form of government.

2 years ago

Tempus fugit

2 years ago

We are balanced at a nexus, waiting for the “brave penguin”.

In antarctica, penquins raise their young where there are no predators… and no food. Females first, to lay the eggs, then the males sit on the eggs while the girls return to the ocean to regain their strength, and return to relieve the men.

Each tiime they return to the ocean they are near starvation. They do this *every year*, at exactly the same time of year. Every ocean predator knows this, and is waiting of shore en masse for their return.

One penguin jumping into the ocean is toast. They all know this, and they are all starving. Their only hope is to all jump into the ocean *at once*, but they have no way to coordinate their actions, so they all hover on the cliffs… waiting for “the brave penguin”, the one nearest starvation, to say “fuck it” and jump in anyway, knowing he’s toast.

If we wait too long, we become too weak to survive the coming battle in the ocean. If we don’t wait long enough, there are not enough penguins hovering on the edge of the cliff to jump in behind us and protect us with their numbers.

It’s a dilemma.
It’s a judgement call.
It’s hard to know when the time is ripe.

But Solzhenitzyn made one thing clear. Don’t wait to long and “burn in the camps”. The time to fight is WHILE YOU STILL CAN. After you get on the boxcars, it’s too late. Once you are handcuffed, it’s too late.

2 years ago

Spot on brother!
Not sure what its going to take but please don’t give up. We’re HERE! It’s 2time!
You’re not alone. People are just scared to speak up on-line iis my hopes.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

The NSA probably already has an algorithm that detects when a group of you get together. You are already security compromised. That means it’s you and one or two others engaged in lone wolf type actions. You must accept that there is a high probability that you will be killed or go to prison forever. And when the prisons and cemeteries are filled with the likes of you, your people will be free. If you understand and accept this, then get froggy.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

To tell you the truth I do not care that they know who and what I am, I am committed to their death, fear is what they thrive on, let em come, here I am.

2 years ago

A spark is needed. Pelosi just pulled the so called assault weapons bill. In its extreme version it would be the spark, they know that. Lexington will arrive, patience.

2 years ago

I will be 70 years old in less than 6 months, but can still do a full day;’s worth of work.In fact I can easily outwork most folks half my age. I can’t run the mile like I used to and today it is more of a jog. But I still have plenty of fight left in me. I agree with OPM that one must have patience for the time is almost upon us when the general population suddenly realizes the collapse is not coming, it is here. Don’t let your age be of a concern if you are in good health. Today is the birthday of Samuel Whittemore.

2 years ago

Let’s ride the tiger.


Henry Heth
Henry Heth
2 years ago

What did Michael Collins do?
He and The Squad targeted low level bureaucrats who make the madness happen day by day. It paralyzed the system. He did his LOCAL research and didn’t telegraph his punches.
Glowies -- This is not a call to violence , just a statement of historical fact about a man who helped defeat a powerful empire.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

The keyboard is an interesting thing. Most folks are just blowing off steam. We all know that. But the Feds really suck. If I were looking to start up a “group”, I wouldn’t pick anyone from this site. I wouldn’t even pick someone like me. This ain’t the place.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

You need operational security in order to successful against the government. If you are here, you have no operational security. Get it?

2 years ago

Well way too many are talking about voting. When we should be burning. It isn’t hard to figure out who the enemy is . The thing we need to do is get organized in groups of 10-12 and start to create leadership . Everyone interested needs to coordinate it on a ground level. Maybe Wes you could publish something that would help people get it going In their community’s. Unless we do that we are just going to be easy to push aside there has to be some veterans out there that could help every where there is the opportunity. We do not have the church to organize men like they did in Lexington and Concord. The churches are full of mostly worthless men led by cowards more interested in filling pews than speaking courageously and giving people direction. We need to approach sheriffs all over the land and find out where they stand . Get them to pledge assistance in building public awareness . Maybe show support for the constitution and the rights of individuals to keep and have firearms. So on and so forth. how many here have reached out to their neighbors found out if they are willing to risk it all to oppose tyranny.
Last year January of ’21 I did just that and the results have been fantastic. I have lived here for 13 years and have neighbor’s all around. It is a residential community just like many here in urban America. Well for the better part of that time all I did was wave hello. I didn’t even know their names . But I took a chance and approached them all . Purchased Ham radios and told them that by the looks of things I am not sure we will be able to depend on LEO’s to help us if the SHTF. I gave each one of them a radio and now we are meeting weekly and we all feel less alone and hopeless. it is a start of our own minute man group. This is our only hope if we start a public defense league and got some media attention it would explode. Just the thought’s of a old man .

2 years ago

green berets, devgru, the unit, others, they have skills and abilities, also took oaths…. wondering, how cpa’s, plumbers, teachers etc jump with zero experience…. they jump first?

2 years ago

Wes, I feel your frustration. I understand it. I itch to go crack the skulls of the bastards that need it and to put them in their place. Unfortunately, you are correct that doing so would leave you alone, dead, and maybe a martyr. As we’ve discussed times like this in history move at their own pace and take a great event that shocks the populace. I think we are near such a time. Look at what is happening around the world, though the media tries to suppress it. People are uprising and governments are collapsing. The US is just bigger, which means it will be slower, but the bigger they are the harder they fall.
I think the coming next few months will bring a quickening. As the economics get rough and the bills come due for the economic folly that has been foisted upon the people things will get rough. Desperate, hungry, people with little to nothing to lose are dangerous and do dangerous things.

Joseph similia
Joseph similia
2 years ago

Like a voice in the midst of the four living creatures say: “A QUART OF WHEAT FOR A de·narʹi·us and three quarts of barley for a de·narʹi·us; and do not harm the olive oil and the wine”- Revelation 6:6.
Note, food would become very expensive, 2 pounds of wheat for a denarius which was a days wage in bible times. Don’t even think about buying olive oil it says.

We are in the end of times for this old wicked system. We need to stay awake because he will come as a thief in the night, Jesus said. Read the bible , pray for God’s kingdom to come, seek out those that have faith.

Don’t be caught sleeping.Those calling on the name of Jehovah and have faith in Jesus will be saved, says Romans is 10:13-17 ” For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” 14 However, how will they call on him if they have not put faith in him? How, in turn, will they put faith in him about whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? 15 How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent out? Just as it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!” 16 Nevertheless, they did not all obey the good news. For Isaiah says: “Jehovah, who has put faith in the thing heard from us?” 17 So faith follows the thing heard. In turn, what is heard is through the word about Christ

Only God’s kingdom can bring an equitable human society with plenty of food and plenty of good things for all.
Pray for God’s kingdom to come and God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joseph similia

Loved it!!!..Well said

2 years ago

Plans and planning are problematic. All patriot groups have been “seeded” but one thing difficult to defeat is an idea.
Consider this: these globalist orchestrators of mass death do not do anything without there “silver class” (Platonic model). Klaus Schwab will not be kicking in your front door. Yuval Harrari is not going to take your guns away by force. Bill Gates will never stick a needle in your arm. Joe Biden can’t wipe his own ass….much less kick yours.
Stop capitulating to the concept that, somehow, those who pin on a badge, strap on a gun or carry B&Cs (badge and credentials) are honorable or neutral in this struggle.
If you serve a devil, you deserve a devil’s reward.
If you are willing to serve and perpetuate the policies of death orchestrated by these people, you deserve every measure of extreme sanction that Klaus Schwab would if you could get your hands around his scrawny, wrinkled neck.
No matter how well these devils are guarded, every defensive perimeter has a vulnerable outer edge.
If enough adopt this way of thinking: soon no amount of pay will be worth standing between these devils and their victims.
No one can perpetuate their survival, control, power, manipulations and evil….and be considered neutral.
There will be no clemency for “I’m just doing my job.”
Battle plans will not win this struggle, ideology will. Any plan you come up can be countered, turned, or compromised.
“Serve a devil, get a devil’s reward”
…and there is no counter planning to targets of opportunity…

2 years ago
Reply to  Keith

“Klaus Schwab will not be kicking in your front door.”
Exactly. The government thugpigs who will be doing this all are LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL. They are the ones who can be “Touched” without having to buy a Plane Ticket. Even if the “Enforcers” are sent from Elsewhere, there will still be LOCAL thugpigs and bureaucrats, who can be “Dealt With”.
Make Lists. Check them Twice. Doesn’t Matter if they are Naughty or Nice, if they Take the King’s Shilling, they need to be “Dealt With”. Permanently.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

I agree..those locals have chosen which side they are on. I predict that neither side will be taking many prisoners. We are closer than you think. Things are gonna get real soon. I hate to see it, but it is going to happen. Go to The Doug Hagmann Report, 26 July, “Citizens Taking up arms against an out of control government?”

Dudley Dooright
Dudley Dooright
2 years ago

We tried in Canada with the Convoy to do it peacefully but the dictator Trudeau brought in his NATO goons they were not police! Sometimes you need to use force to remove tyrants. Canadians have become sheep here as well listening to our bought off media, We are following the same playbook as in the United States.

2 years ago

Failure to fight the spiritual battle on your knees before God and a failure to align one’s thinking with God leads to a physical battle that you cannot win. As it progresses, God continues to tighten down the rope around the neck. A nation of people who believe that women should have the right to vote and hold public office is also a nation of homosexuals and transgenders, and I can assure you that their thinking is not in line with Gods will. Womens liberation/feminism is a telltale sign that a nation has been given over to homosexuality.

Space dust
Space dust
2 years ago

Show ID is papers please.. badges are REDCOATS and Nazis..

Space dust
Space dust
2 years ago

Every douche that feel for the trump scam.. every moron that still supports the puppet.. everyone that supports him, but is anti vax.. you are the worst people EVER.. for real…!!. Do I have to explain this aspect?

2 years ago
Reply to  Space dust

Sure. GREAT idea. Why don’t you post it 20 times like your last post was you stupid moron. One time is good enough for anyone here.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Space dust

Are you related to Obiden?

2 years ago
Reply to  Space dust

Ha ha… go back and report to your Fed handlers that you failed.

2 years ago

Great statement..been preaching the same exact sentiment for over a year now..and its true..there’s no communication..I think it comes to the fact that most Americans or whatever we are now want this..can we not just admit that america has ended as we know it and most people are fine with it..personally I’ve chosen jesus and use the bible as my guide..not great at it it but it does make sense to me in a world or just country of kos… I’m sorry for my pessimism and I also come from a military spec ops background but I cannot see a win in this one..(please dont hit me with..these colors dont run its obvious they do but i know you or I dont) I believe we can pray become closer to god..stay prepared and be ready to fight till the death when time comes..fight for what’s right..god bless

2 years ago

You have your priorities right 100%. You have chosen Jesus and you use the Bible as your guide.YOU my friend have the ear and heart of the Creator of Heaven and Earth. YOU my friend have the keys of entering the heavenly kingdom, you have love and devotion for the Lord,you will receive strategies and wisdom for this next battle, the Great I Am will guide you.And you having been in spec ops, can see the truth crystal clear! You my friend are doing what we all should be doing.Humbly recognising America as we knew it is over, pray to get closer to Father God stay prepared……🕊
My take in a nutshell: If I was asked what should we really be doing right now if we could lift the veil and see what is expected of us in the spiritual realm?
I would say this, we should be pleading and praying to Father God to forgive us for our stupidity and complacency for not putting Him first, then pleading for mercy and forgiveness and asking to be filled with his power and Holy Spirit. Pleading for wisdom, strategies, and to know His will and nothing but His will 100%,and not stopping asking until He visits and leaves ya with a blessing. We are now in a New Paradigm. And it is time to get waist deep with the Creator of overflowing Oceans of Living Water, who will be pouring out the New Wine upon His people. These are the Days of the Lord moving us closer and on fire for Him.Our God is a JEALOUS God remember,His silence to show extreme jealously is not to be taken as He is letting it slide, no,no,no,no,no .( Exodus 34:14). I am the LORD,that is My name; And my glory I will not give to another,Nor my praise to carved images Isaiah 42:8
Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god:for the LORD, whose name is Jealous,is a jealous God.
And Wes,you are such a devoted faithful man after Father God’s own heart, a true family mankind lover and seeker of the Great I Am.He loves you dearly,His Banner over you and your family is LOVE🤍🕊

2 years ago

I believe we have a way out, at the world level. I like to offer the work that I have been on since 2016. I believe that I have the solution to the world problems we are facing now and tomorrow. The Hanomy system (economies in harmony) is a paradigm shift in the social, financial, and political systems to harmonize living for all. It provides win-win solutions for all countries, people, animals, and the environment … potentially setting a path toward the next Golden Age. Materials are at Help me get the word out. I am up for the interview and all. We have a small window of time left. The mass MUST be aware of an alternative to the Great Reset. Hanomy is that system. Contact me and let’s talk.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hanomy

Jesus is the only Way, and getting our noses in His Word, and asking for His wisdom and help continually. Asking as if our lives completely depended on hearing from Him ,because it DOES. All else is simply a waste of time!

2 years ago

That is what really has haunted me the most. Seeing what they have done to true patriots that went to peaceful protest a stolen election. How blatant obvious they were about it (gassing them, beating them, pulling them into building, lockimg them up with no rights at all etc..etc..etc) List goes way on!
This is why people are scared to meet and organize now, we can’t let them win and by living in fear we’re doing that.
Seeing so many finally willing to stand with Wes publicly, that gives me a little hope. Those that don’t want to say it on here…i don’t blame you. I just hope to see you in the fight shal that day come soon.

2 years ago

We will lose all of our freedoms and liberties when we become to comfortable in it. People will only fight back when we wake up one morning and find out that our complacency has cost us everything that we love when we had our constitutional rights. But will it be too late in the day when the darkness of night surrounds us? “The best time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining” -JFK!

Ted in NC
Ted in NC
2 years ago

Everyone start in your area with trusted circle. Only trust those you have known for years, even then, you must vet them. Each unit must stay independent and self reliant. Do not recruit in the forums, do not use public anything for coms. As I have learned, trust no one but your immediate unit you have set up.

2 years ago

Yes that nobody (that guy again) that does nothing till it’s too late. Never can understand this. Death wish, I guess.

2 years ago

Strangely, I’m not especially worried. Before too long the Globalists and their lackeys will attempt to round up us “strays”, and then it will be Open Season on their worthless hides. Remember: we are armed, and we are many. They are megalomaniac cowards and they are few. If they draw first blood (to borrow a phrase from the first Rambo film), the sleeping giant will awaken, and they will be annihilated. Don’t drink the Kool Aid. Be patient. They can’t get our guns. It’s all just talk.

2 years ago
Reply to  mongoos

I am with ya Mongoose, we are going hunting in a target rich environment soon. Lots of blue helmets too!

2 years ago

Hello Wes. I listened carefully to this podcast on my late night walk, and you was impressed on my heart the whole time.Please listen until the very end,I know the Lord will bless you and comfort you through it,as you are open to His Holy Spirit and a man after Father Gods heart :)🕊

Last edited 2 years ago by ❇︎RIVER❇︎